Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


  • Log in. You must be on the AguaClara team to have access to the username and password.
  • There is a folder for every team where you can store all of your documents.
  • You can share these documents with your personal account so that it is easier for you to edit them.
    • To do this: Click share... in the upper right hand corner. Click on Invite People. Add your email address. Make sure the To Edit bullet point is selected. Hit send.
  • I embedded the challenges and calendars, and your team leaders will embed the weekly minutes into the wiki so that people can see them/access them from there and they are open to the public for viewing.
  • Weekly minutes are not turned in, but expected as a way to organize your team. Record problems, progress, and important details.
  • Calendars. Each team has their own calendar. This should be used as a way to keep track of meeting times and deadlines for assignments. To view a certain calendar just click on it so it is highlighted under My Calendars. You can then click on a specific date to add an event.
    • You can share the calendars with yourself by clicking on the down arrow next to the calendar name under My Calendars, clicking Share This Calendar, adding your email address, selecting Make changes AND manage sharing under the Permission Settings tab and clicking Add Person.
    • It is a good idea to share the cuaguaclara calendar with yourself because it has deadlines and general AguaClara events.
    • Matt and Monroe's calendars are under Other Calendars if you would like to make an appointment with them.

General Information and Introduction


Start the tour at the Home page, it can be accessed by typing Have everyone follow along with you so they get an idea of how to navigate through it.

  • From the home page you can easily access the major branches of the project: Research, Design, and Outreach. Another important branch from the home page is Team Resources
    • What is a child page? Each successive branch of the tree is a child page of the branch above it. Design Calendar is a child page of Design, for instance.
  • How do you find
    • Past research
      • lead Go to the team Research to the Research page and show them the different team represented. Show them a typical research team page. see all of the teams that currently exist and have existed in the past. A typical research page is home>research>?
    • Information about other teams
      • Just explain to them again how easy it is to navigate from the home page to all of the team pages
    • Assignments Home>Team Resources>Team Assignments
      • Due
      • Make sure to show them a few different assignments--highlight how there is information on expected content, formatting, and grading there, but due dates are all on the syllabus
    • Outreach events The outreach team is responsible for maintaining a calendar of all the events that are coming up that they need team members to speak at or help with. These can be found by navigating to Home>Outreach>Outreach Calendar
    • Contact info for other people on the team
    • International experience information
    • the sandbox
      • This one is trickier because you cannot navigate directly to it, you have to use the search field. The sandbox is not navigable because it is just a place to play--if you are not sure about how to do something, try the code in the sandbox first so you can test if it works without messing up your own wiki page.
