Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • It is not a historical account, it is a dynamic database
    • Keep information current, updating is better than adding
  • Meeting Minutes are done every week on the wiki to chart your progress
  • Communication between teams, the engineers in Honduras, outreach, etc
  • Turning in assignments
    • Take them to the team resources page again and click on the "turn in completed assignments here" link. Explain to the team that this returns a spreadsheet to you and Monroe that includes date and time things were turned in! Team members should always email their whole team when they turn something in so everyone knows it was taken care of.

Editing the Wiki

Show everyone how to log in
The most important part of editing the wiki is using the wiki organization guide. Show the team how to navigate from home>team resources>wiki organization guide. Browse the structure of the guide with them--there are directions there for formatting assignments, figures, pictures, equations, etc.

Next cover these points by showing people how to:

  • Log in
  • Create a new page and immediately set the default to Wiki Markup and not Rich Text (rich text seems easy but there are a lot of bugs in it and it is harder to keep our formatting consistent with it, wiki markup is easy to learn and it allows us to all use the same headings, bullets, etc)
    • Add a template to it, distinguish between the "Global" (useless) templates and ours which are "Space" templates
    • Talk about naming conventions-- do not name a page "Meeting Minutes 3/3/03" you should always use a descriptor for your team like "Team A Meeting Minutes 3/3/03" so there is no confusion between who is responsible for what pages. Also the page name becomes part of its web address, so it is helpful to be descriptive.
  • Create different headings on it
  • Add a link using brackets
  • Add bullet points
  • Move that page
  • Now delete it

Now take them to the calendar and explain that each team has to log in to and add their weekly meeting times and locations.

Also go to edit a page that has pictures and equations on it so you can show them what the code looks like to do that. Remind everyone that the directions for adding equations and figures are in the wiki organization guide and they don't need to remember the code!

  • For figures it is easiest to copy code from another image and modify it for your page

Your First Wiki Assignment
