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Wiki Markup
h1. Computational Fluid


Flocculation Tank 3D Simulation


The CFD flocculation tank 3D simulation team works on modeling the flow in the hydraulic flocculator, and use the result to optimize its geometry design.
CFD Flocculation Tank 3D Simulation goals and meeting minutes.


Problem Specification
Create the mesh



h2. Flocculation Tank 3D Simulation

h3. Overview

The CFD flocculation tank 3D simulation team works on modeling the flow in the hydraulic flocculator, and use the result to optimize its geometry design.
CFD Flocculation Tank 3D Simulation [goals|] and [meeting minutes|CFD FT3DS MM 11-07-08].

h3. Research

h5. Fall 2008

Preliminary 3D CFD simulations of a Hydraulic Flocculation Tank with a Single Baffle

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