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This document describes the procedure used to install Shibboleth Service Provider (SP) software on Centos, RedHat and to configure it to work with the Cornell Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP).

If you are moving shib protected domain to a new serve, please use instruction here: Move Shibboleth Service Provider to a Different Server


  • Apache must be installed and your website have an SSL certificate installed and SSL enabled. To request a SSL certificate:
  • Shibboleth doesn't support http access. If http access is supported on your site, define a redirect rule in Apache configuration that route http traffic to https.
  • Make sure your server time is accurate.
  • Your server has user shibd available.
  • We do not recommend the use of the old prefork MPM and strongly encourage the worker MPM. The prefork option will fail under load in a variety of cases, with some limited workarounds possible.


titleInstall Shibboleth SP on Centos/RedHat

If you are on a CIT Managed Server, please check this document:

Otherwise, Install using RPM:

  1. Visit, choose your platform, then click Generate
  2. Copy generated content to /etc/yum.repos.d/shibboleth.repo
  3. sudo yum install shibboleth.x86_64 ( 64 bit OS )
    sudo yum install shibboleth (32 bit OS )


After installation Shibboleth configuration files are placed at /etc/shibboleth/. Necessary Apache configuration in /etc/httpd/conf.d/shib.conf(Centos/Redhat),  etc/etc/apache2/conf-available/shib2shib.conf (Ubuntu). Make sure shib.conf is included in your Apache configuration file. If you are converting CUWebAuth to Shibboleth on a production server, make sure you set "ShibCompatValidUser" to "On" in shib.conf to avoid interruption to your website's CUWebAuth authentication. Set it back to "Off" after you finish the conversion.

titleUpdate attribute-map.xml

Download our sample attribute-map.xml and replace your /etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml with downloaded file. Our attribute-map.xml defines all commonly used attributes. 

All attributes except groups defined in attribute-map.xml are released by default to all SP. Attribute "groups" is released on demand. Please specify your group names in Shibboleth Integration Request form. Shibboleth IDP doesn't support nested groups( for example group B is a member of group A, user C is a member of group B, IDP doesn't know user C is a member of group A) . If you have to use nested group, you need to convert nested group to dynamic group.


titleUpdate shibboleth2.xml

Download our sample shibboleth2.xml and replace your /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml with downloaded file. Open shibboleth2.xml in a text editor.

  • Update SP entityID:

 Search <ApplicationDefaults entityID=""... >.  EntityID is the  Unique identifier for your SP. Cornell Shibboleth Identity Provider(IDP) provides service to many applications. This entityID will help Cornell IDP to identify your SP. We recommend you follow shibboleth convention named it "https://xxx/shibboleth". It's better not include space or special characters in it( / and : are fine). One SP can server multiple sites in your Apache so it does not necessarily equate to the hostname(s) at which your service runs. 

  • Update SP session:
    Search <Sessions lifetime="28800" timeout="3600" ...>

--- lifetime is the maximum duration in seconds that a session maintained by the SP will be valid.The settings shown in the example will set your Shibboleth session lifetime to 28800 (8 hours). The maximum session lifetime you can set is 36000 (10 hours).

--- timeout is the maximum inactivity allowed between requests in a session maintained by the SP. The settings shown in the example will set your Shibboleth session timeout to 3600 (1 hour).

titleForce authentication

When session expire or timeout, user will be redirected back to Identity Provider(IDP). If user still has active IDP session, user will NOT be prompted for login screen. They will just be redirected back to your website. If you would like to force user re-login when SP session expire/timeout, please configure Force Re-Authentication in SP:Configure a Service Provider to Force Re-Authentication

 --- postData="ss:mem" postTemplate="postTemplate.html" postLimit="1048576"

Add it to <Session <Sessions ..> if your website has web formhosts web form(with Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded). Web form POST data with Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded will be saved in the Shibboleth memory cache rather than discarded when a user requires authentication after filling out a web form. "postTemplate.html" is located in /etc/shibboleth directory. Modify it to meet your website's style. "postLimit" is the maximum number of bytes to allow when saving off POST data. Over this limit, a warning in the log will appear, but the data will not be saved. When not defined it uses the default which is 1048576 bytes(1024k).

More information:

  • Update the support contact: 

Search < Errors supportContact ="root@localhost"  helpLocation ="/about.html" styleSheet ="/shibboleth-sp/main.css"  /> . Change the email address to your application's support email address. Change the helpLocation to your application's help page.

  • Update redirectLimit if needed

titleCreate signing and encryption key (Ubuntu users)

If Shibboleth is installed via RPM, signing/encryption key and certificate files are generated automatically. Check if you have sp-signing-cert.pem and , sp-signing-key.pem, sp-encrypt-key.pem, sp-encrypt-cert.pem in /etc/shibboleth directory. If they are not there, generate them.

shib-keygen./keygen -u shibd -g shibd -n sp-signing -h yourServername -y 10 (your servername will be the CN of the certificate)
./keygen -u shibd -g shibd -n sp-encrypt -h yourServername -y 10

After you run the commands, four files are created: sp-encrypt-cert.pem, sp-encrypt-key.pem, sp-signing-cert.pem, sp-signing-key.pem. These files should be owned by shibd.

NOTE: Signing and encryption certificates are included in your SP's metadata. You should preserve these four files and put them back when you do a fresh SP rebuild using Docker or other container software.
If your website is behind a Load Balancer

Please make sure that the real client's IP address (e.g. "x-forwarded-for") is being passed to the SP, instead of the load-balancer's IP address. Please see this page for details: Pass the real client IP to the Shibboleth SP when your site is behind a load balancer

Shibboleth Configuration Check

In the command line, execute the following command to see whether the Shibboleth Service Provider can load the default configuration:

sudo shibd -t

If you see ERROR regarding XMLTooling in the output, include following library path in the command

sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/shibboleth/lib64 /sbin/shibd -t

The last line of the output should read:


titleGet SP's metadata

Navigate to  https://yoursiteDomain/Shibboleth.sso/Metadata and download it.Open your downloaded file with text editor. Some browser doesn't show metadata correctly in the browser. DO NOT copy the content in the browser. Make sure the entityID is the same as your defined in shibboleth2.xml. If there are multiple sites in Apache require Shibboleth authentication, you can get SP's metadata by navigating to one of the site,  then you need to manually add assertion consumer service url for all HTTP-POST bindings for each of the other sites in your SP's metadata.  You may see other AssertionConsumerService bindings, 'SingleLogoutService', 'ArtifactResolutionService' etc in your downloaded metadata. Those are not being used. You don't need to add those for other sites.

Code Block
In our example, SP's metadata can be obtained from In the metadata there should be a line:
<md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="" index="1"/>
Our example also haveThere is another site, another hosted in the same Apache. Another AssertionConsumerService url for need to be manually added in the metadata:
<md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="" index="2"/>


After you are notified that your metadata has been integrated in Cornell IDP, you can continue your configuration. If you are converting CUWebAuth to Shibboleth SP, you may refer to Converting CUWebAuth to Shibboleth.

titleUpdate Access Control shib.conf

Open /etc/httpd/conf.d/shib.conf in a text editor. If you are Not using default Apache installation, make sure this file is included in your Apache config. All the authorization rules should be defined in this file.

Code Block
titleRequire authentication for entire site
<Location />
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
Require valid-user

Code Block
titleAuthorization by affiliation
<Location /studentOnly>
  AuthType shibboleth
  ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
  Require shib-attr eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation student

<Location /secure>
  AuthType shibboleth
  ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
  Require shib-attr eduPersonAffiliations staff

*eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation is single value attribute while eduPersonAffiliations is multi-values attribute. 
For example, a staff who also taking courses at Cornell has staff as the value of eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation, has staff and student as the value of eduPersonAffiliations. 
All the possible value of affiliations can be found at

Code Block
titleAuthorization by group/permit
<Location /secure>
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
Require shib-attr groups myGroup1 myGroup2


Code Block
titleAuthorization by NetID
<Location /secure>
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
Require shib-attr uid hjy789 jpq2020

Code Block
titleRequire Two-Factor for Everyone


If you have tomcat in your environment ,  since environment variables are not passed by mod_proxy_ajp unless they have AJP_ prefixes, you'll need to and REMOTE_USER is not working, you can try add attributePrefix="AJP_" to the <ApplicationDefaults> element in your configuration:

