General Program Information
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{float:left|border=2px solid black} !sedts1.bmp! Northeastern Isometric View {float} |
Input Definitions
Inputs Needed to Call the Sedimentation Tank Slopes Function
origin - a 3 by 1 matrix with x,y,z positions corresponding to the point where the pipe will be drawn
tankdim - a 3 by 1 matrix with x,y,z positions specifying the inside dimensions of the sedimentation tank
angle - angle specifying the slope of the sedimentation tank walls
Inputs Defined within the Sedimentation Tank Slopes Function
origin =
- x : origin0
- y : origin1
- z : origin2
mirrorpoint =
- x : origin0
- y : origin1 + tank.dim1/2
- z : origin2
tanklength = tank.dim0
slopewidth = tank.dim1/2
slopeheight = (tank.dim1*tan(angle))/2
win1 =
- x = origin0 - tank.dim1/2
- y = origin1
- z = origin2
win2 =
- x = origin0
- y = origin1 + (tank.dim1*tan(angle))/2
- z = origin2
Note: the slope function draws the sloped sides in one sedimentation tank. The sedtank function copies the one tank as many times as needed in the design.
Technical Program Outline
zoomwin - zooms on a window space directly around where the slope is to be drawn (as shown above - actual window size relative to slope that is to be drawn).
zoom1 <-- zoomwin(win1,win2)
win1 =
- x = origin0 - tank.dim1/2
- y = origin1
- z = origin2
win2 =
- x = origin0
- y = origin1 + (tank.dim1*tan(angle))/2
- z = origin2
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{float:left|border=2px solid black} !sel slope triangle.JPG! Top View {float} |
pline1 - creates a two-dimensional triangle.
pline1 <-- pline(pline1,pline2,pline3)
pline1 =
- x = origin0
- y = origin1
- z = origin2
pline2 =
- x = origin0
- y = origin1
pline3 =
- x = origin0 - slopewidth
- y = origin1
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{float:left|border=2px solid black} !sed slope length.JPG! Free Rotation used to show extrusion {float} |
extrude1 - extrudes the triangle creating a three-dimensional wedge.
extrude1 <-- extrude(origin,tanklength)
origin =
- x : origin0
- y : origin1
- z : origin2
tanklength = tank.dim0
Wiki Markup |
{float:left|border=2px solid black} [!1.bmp|width=200px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Slopes Program] Northwest Isometric View, Before rotate3d1 [!2.bmp|width=400px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Slopes Program] Northwest Isometric View, After rotate 3d1 {float} |
rotate3d1 - rotates the wedge 90 degrees around the x axis, using the origin to select the wedge, and the origin to specify where on the x axis to rotate.
rotate3d <-- rotate3d(origin,origin,"x",90)
origin =
- x : origin0
- y : origin1
- z : origin2
"x" - specifies which axis to rotate in
90 - specifies how many degrees to rotate
Wiki Markup |
{float:left|border=2px solid black} [!3.bmp|width=400px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Slopes Program] Northwest Isometric View, Before rotate3d1 {float} |
rotate3d2 - rotates the wedge 270 degrees around the z axis, using the origin to select the wedge, and the origin to specify where on the z axis to rotate. The wedge is now aligned with the lower right hand corner of the sedimentation tank.
rotate3d2 <-- rotate3d(origin,origin,"z",270)
origin =
- x : origin0
- y : origin1
- z : origin2
"z" - specifies which axis to rotate in
270 - specifies how many degrees to rotate
Wiki Markup |
{float:left|border=2px solid black} [!4.bmp|width=400px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Slopes Program] Northwest Isometric View, Before rotate3d1 {float} |
mirror3d1 - creates a mirror image of the wedge, using the origin to select the original wedge, and using the mirrorpoint to select the point to mirror the wedge about.
mirror3d1 <-- mirror3d(origin,mirrorpoint)
origin =
- x : origin0
- y : origin1
- z : origin2
mirrorpoint =
- x : origin0
- y : origin1 + tank.dim1/2
- z : origin2
unionall - unites the two separate wedges to act as one unit
unionall <-- unionallA