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nameSyllabus Fall 2014.docx

Syllabus Fall 2014.docx


Class Topic

Research Work Due

Design Work Due


W 8/27

Class:Introduction to AguaClara, Subteam Overview, and Interview Signups

Hollister 366

Sign up for an Interview


Review How Water Flows Through the Plant


Read the Team Challenges Page


Take the Subteams Survey before the Complete the pre-interview form before your scheduled interview

Th 8/28 – Sat 8/30

Interviews in the AguaClara Lab (Hollister B60 – in the basement).

Interview results will be announced via email on Sunday evening.




W 9/3

Class: How Water Flows through the Plant, Demo Plant, Small Scale Plant Administrative Essentials,Team Reveal

Hollister 366


Set up an event (coffee, lunch, etc.) outside of the lab with your subteam!


Set up a meeting with Research Advisor to go over challenges/apparatus before 9/September 8


F 9/5


Complete the online lab safety training


Complete the AguaClara Technology quiz (retake until you get 100% correct)


LyX Training Document due (upload to your team’s folder on the server)



M 9/8

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Training

Sign up for trainings: Process Controller (with Casey Garland), Shop (with Tim Brock),


W 9/10


M 9/8

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Training

New members: Create yourindividual wiki page 

Update your subteam’s wiki page 

Check out thewiki organization guide for more information on how to properly use the wiki



W 9/10

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Training

Sign up for trainings: Process Controller (with Casey Garland), Shop (with Tim Brock),


Complete MathCAD Training


F 9/12


Detailed Task List due

Design Trainings 1 and 2 due


M 9/15

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Training

 Complete MathCAD Training


W 9/17

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Training


 Design Training 3 due

F 9/19


Complete all required trainings by today

Design Training 4 due and email Meghan with top 3 task choices




Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



W 9/24

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



F 9/26



Research Report Due


Check-in survey due

Progress Report Due



M 9/29

AguaClara LLC Presentation: Sarah Long

Implementation Partner Presentation: Minty

Administrative DetailsMotivational Lecture by Monroe

Hollister 366


You should begin thinking about Symposiums



W 10/1

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



F 10/3





M 10/6

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work: Wiki Training





Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work: Wiki Training



F 10/10


Research Report Due


Progress Report Due



M 10/13

Fall Break- No class



W 10/15

ResearchMotivational Lecture: Team WorkDesign: Team WorkMonroe

Hollister 366



F 10/17





M 10/20





W 10/22




F 10/24


 Midterm Peer Evaluation Form Due


Update yourIndividual Contribution Page



M 10/27

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



W 10/29

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



F 10/31





M 11/3

Research: Team Work
Design: Team Work



W 11/5


Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



F 11/7


Research Report Due


Progress Report Due



M 11/10

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



W 11/12

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



F 11/14





M 11/17

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



W 11/19

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



F 11/21


Research Report Due


Progress Report Due







M 11/24

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



W 11/26

Thanksgiving Break



F 11/28

 Thanksgiving Break




M  12/1

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



W 12/3

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work



F 12/5

Research: Team Work

Design: Team Work

Peer Evaluations Due


Final Report Draft Due

Peer Evaluations Due


Final Report Draft due

F 12/12


Final edited report due

Update yourindividual page and your team wiki page


Sat Sun 12/1314

Final Presentations, 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Upload final presentation to your subteam’s wiki page by 2:00 PM 


Grading Rubric

Research Teams and Design Team Rubric 
