I was a member of the Linear Chemical Dose Controller (LCDC) team for the Fall 2012 semester. The challenges for the LCDC team this semester were to fabricate, refine, and test a lever arm assembly.
Upon testing the entire CDC setup, we concluded that our lever arm assembly was linear in its dosing.
Please refer to the LCDC wiki page for more information.
Winter 2013 Contributions
During Winter 2013 I traveled with my Fall 2012 LCDC team to Honduras where we delivered our fabricated lever arm assembly to Agua Por Para el Pueblo.
Spring 2013 Contributions
For the Spring 2013 semester, I am a member of the Coagulant Management team which is responsible for fabricating a more efficient coagulant injector, testing for a practical maximum coagulant concentration and stock tank mixing, and testing a stock tank centrifugal pump mixing system. In addition, if time permits, we will be looking into other forms of stock tank mixing.