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December 2012


  • Kaltura beta release - usability testing, feedback, etc.
    • Rights form, can it be integrated?
    • Usability testing - in the queue, will run questions by VRWG
  • ARTstor update
    • Terrible release for PDFs
    • Experimental Television collection into ARtstor as hosted institutional collection
    • Migration mapping from PICtor to shared shelf
    • Image cataloging posted for Art History, temp 1yr, no guarantee of renewal
  • Transition plans
    • New lead for Public Services Subgroup
  • Brown Bags - ideas for next semester
    • Academic Technologies - what do they do, offer, primary customers, projects, etc.  Roberta
  • History Pin update
  • VRHelp email form update - Marsha & Micky worked on list, now Danielle working with Melissa to update sites
  • VRWG 2013 goals
    • More dialogue with external groups, e.g. AT
  • Got NEH grant for dealing with new media!
  • 3D collections
    • 3-D PDFs - Roberta is investigating
    • Test it in Luna
  • A/V issues
    • Discussion about how it relates to classroom learning technologies
    • Hiring half-time position
    • Media lab in Kroch for Digital Media Group
    • Course Reserves - create a dialogue with VRWG, Course Reserves, AT

November 2012


  • ARTstor updates
  • Shared Shelf back up after hurricane
  • Kaltura updates: quality issues with streaming campus-wide; custom work on metadata fields; help page; launch in mid-November
  • Still not resolved: where does it live on CUL website, policies about restricted/unrestricted assets
  • MediaSpace categories
  • Biblioboard demo: creates customized apps for the iPads, some issues (e.g.batch uploading), we should explore this area the next year, at least to focus on making our sites mobile friendly
  • History Pin: PBS creating an abolitionist map, RMC is participating in uploading images. Should we have a CUL account? 1 login. Setup VRWG social media email account.
  • VRHelp email form: (need to integrate the form - websites, LibGuides) Marsha will review collection websites, Registry of Digital Collections, Luna site, Artstor, rights field (Jason)
  • Another project: rights across all collections
  • Jason and Mira will update Luna resolver
  • Flickr maintenance: Steven taking over admin role from Dianne; Dean's unit will pay the $20 fee year; how to handle comments? Could do something automated with this, how to handle useful comments for local instance, Gwen is also monitoring site; 
  • Policy question about Luna for student passwords - agreed to use generic password for students unless instructor

October - cancelled

September 2012


  • Introductions and welcome to Steve Folsom
  • Kaltura- media space
    • User Guidance- both for Library staff uploading content and patrons (rights statements, etc)
    • Usability Committee- where should this information live
    • Cross- kaltura instances searchability campus-wide
    • giving context for overall site 
    • Uploading process/ permissions
    • Seeking guidance from various groups/PSEC & Usability
  • Succession planning
  • Visual Media Brown Bags (mostly geared toward librarians)
    • New series, first one on Sept 18 on Lib guides; finding images; nuts & bolts of adding images to guides
    • October/ peter hirtle copyright issues (halloween)
    • November/ augmented reality session (matt and eveline)/  or-- possibly Kaltura soft-launch
    • Spring- data visualization; compelling presentations

July 2012

July 11, 11am, Olin 106


  • CUL Virtual Services Group (Glen Wiley)
    Our Virtual Services Group is directing our efforts to focus on services that support digital and virtual needs of deep level disciplinary research and teaching.  We wondered if there are any image and/or video gaps you all have observed, specific needs you wish you could address or specific ideas for services in the digital space that you haven't been able to work on before.
  • CUL Images on Flickr - Discussion of work-flow and additions to the collection (All): Started as a Library Outside the Library (LOL) initiative that was supported by Metadata Services, VRWG is now responsible for curating new collections, Susette will talk to Gwen about data harvesting and monitoring the comments on Flickr (if not Gwen, this task might go to RMC), and collections that could potentially be added include Dante, Billie Jean, maps…
  • Public services workshop series (Marsha and Kaila)

June 2012

May 31, 11am, Olin 106
In attendance: Danielle, Kaila, Marsha, Jesse K. (guest), Gail, Barb, Roberta, Liz, Jason, Mira, Boris


  • Announcements and Updates
    • Arts & Sciences Grant winners announced
    • Image search logs (Jason)
      We will need to ask Adam Chandler and Mary Beth Lyons if we can get these logs on a regular monthly basis.
    • Public Services Sub-Group

June 2012


  • Updates
  • Collections purchasing/licensing work-flow (Marsha)
  • Public Services Sub-Group --
    • Bookmark for Fall orientation events (Susette, Kaila, Marsha, Boris)
      The group is working with Carla to design a vrhelp services bookmark to market to students during Fall Orientation events. 
    • A/V survey and 2-page explanation of issues presented to LEG (Danielle)
  • Collections purchasing/licensing work-flow (Marsha)
    Jesse joined us to discuss the workflow for adding still and moving image resources to our collections. It was agreed that the E-Nerf process works well. Any questions about importing images should be directed to Danielle, Mira, and Jason. We also agreed that documentation is needed to clarify the workflow. Jesse and Danielle will work on this and ask John and Kizer to add this to the Collection Development Manual.
  • Demo of Mahara (Roberta)
    Pinterest webinar report (Kaila, Susette) Mahara is an e-portfolio service offered through Academic Technologies. While it's easy to use, it doesn't work well for visual fields. There is no image gallery feature, for example. 

May 2012

AgendaIn attendance: Danielle Danielle, Kaila, Marsha, Liz, Susette, Jason, Roberta, Barb, Jim DelRosso


  • Updates
    • Arts & Sciences Grants (Danielle)
    • ARTStor/ Kaltura
  • Kaltura feedback
  • Flickr - new RMC collection?  Other future additions?
  • Roberta demo of Mahara? 
  • Conference updates  -- ARLIS, VRA, others?
  • General news/ going's ons (NEH proposal; a/v digitization)
  • Public Services Sub-Group -- Bookmark for Fall orientation events
  • Pinterest webinar


  • We agreed to form a Reference/Instruction/Outreach subgroup. Kaila will send out a call to VRWG and set up the first meeting.
  • A/V subgroup will continue to meet to discuss ongoing development efforts for A/V support throughout libraries.

Conferences 2012
We surveyed who would be attending conferences this year. So far VRWG members will be attending ARLIS, VRA, ALA, RBMS, and QQML.


  • Welcome Marsha Taichman!
  • Updates
    • Kaltura
    • Arts & Sciences Grants 2012
      • Proposals are due March 30th. Please spread the word and encourage interested A&S faculty to apply.
    • Shared Shelf 
      • 3 Cornell collections are now available in Shared Shelf Commons (
      • Costs:
      • Over the next year we expect: Advanced cataloging tool; control over our uploadsunmigrated-wiki-markup
      • \[Gail brought up that RDMSG consultants need our help to understand what's available to manage images as "data"\]
    • New resources 
      • Vogue Archive Online (recommended by the Social Sciences Team to purchase with one-time library funds) *follow-up with DRC to add to image databases list *follow-up with DRC to add to image databases list
      • potential Visual Resources fund (awaiting decision by CDExec)
      • Archvision module purchased by Martha? *follow-up
    • ACRL Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (co-authored by Kaila)
      • The ACRL Board approved the standards in October 2011. They are published on the ACRL standards web site. 
    • Discovery & Access
      • We discussed the need to advocate for images in the discovery & access planning and implementation. 
      • Jason and Rick are both on D&A teams.
    • Mann Reference 
      • Gail reported back on her discussion with Mann Reference staff about visual resources support needs. At this point, there hasn't been a demand by students or faculty for image research support. Gail will remind Mann Reference staff that if they do get image questions, they can forward them to vrhelp-l.
  • Open discussion 2012 goals
    • Include more updates/discussion on collection development issues (e.g. new databases),  Discovery & Access development, and Public Services projects
    • Form sub-teams when needed to tackle projects such as the image databases list and reviewing the visual resources web pages


  • Kaltura is the new audio/video streaming platform service being deployed campus-wide by CIT, with customized implementations for CUL, Blackboard, Lab of O, and Cornell Cast.  Danielle, Jason, and Jim Reidy are leading CUL's development of Kaltura, focusing on three key development efforts: collection building; staff access with possible centralized, front-end "media“media-space" space” for dissemination; and E-Commons integration.  Development efforts to date have been slow, but spring should bring focus to the CUL deployment.  Look out for upcoming presentations on Kaltura, including one during Career Development week in March.  Jason shared the results of the Audio/Video Survey sent out to cu-lib: In December 2011 - January 2012, the VRWG conducted a survey of a/v needs in the Cornell University Library system. CUL owns a substantial amount of analog and digital media holdings; including archival, commercial and in-house created assets. Common needs stated are: aggregated platforms for access, archiving and editing digital media; funds and staffing to digitize analog recordings; purchase and maintenance of analog equipment; creation of a repository for 'digital prototyping' and CADD/Form Z output; and more. The VRWG plans to analyze these needs to assess our place in facilitating services. 
