Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


On the CNF conversion computers, the current version of GenISys LayoutLAB can be invoked with any of the following commands (don't type in the dollar sign, that is the command prompt):


Code Block




Material Archive:


Additional Supplemental Materials Files

Additional materials files added by CNF will be located in:

  • /usr/local/cnf/tracer/MaterialArchive
  1. In a terminal type in: printenv HOME
  2. In the File → Properties menu dialogue, click on the Directories tab and set the Local Repository Directory to the output of step 1 followed by a forward slash  /.GenISys/Repository
    1. It may already be set to this
  3. Type into a terminal: ls -l /etc/alternatives/TRACER
  4. In the File → Properties menu dialogue, click on the Directories tab and set the Global Repository Directory to the output of step 3, substituting the word 'Repository' for the word 'TRACER'
  5. Optionally copy the files from /usr/local/


  1. cnf/


  1. tracer/MaterialArchive to


  1. your local


  1. Repository/MaterialArchive directory

After making the above changes, you may have to expand/collapse the tree in the left pane of TRACER a few times.You will also need to update the archive preference in LayoutBEAMER to point to your local copy of the Material Archive.

You can create a local copy of the archive using the following terminal commands:


Code Block
mkdir ~/MaterialArchive
# Determine the TRACER version number with:
$ ls -l /etc/alternatives/TRACER
# Optionally copy the additional CNF Materials Archive files
$ rsync -av /usr/local/TRACERcnf/bintracer/MaterialArchive/ ~/.GenISys/Repository/MaterialArchive 

Code Block
# For example:
ls -l /etc/alternatives/TRACER

# Gives output:
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 34 Sep 17  2020 /etc/alternatives/TRACER -> /opt/local/TRACER/2.11.1/bin/TRACER

# So you would set the Global Archive to:

Manual and Videos:

