Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0




Fields are a simple way for Word to insert images and equations into the document. They also have the benefit of automatically updating formats based on changes.

Fields are invisible most of the time in word. To make them appear, use Alt+F9 to toggle between having them visible and not.

All fields begin at the Fields pop-up box. The easiest way to get there is under the "Insert" tab, then the "Text" section, under "Quick Parts" and then "Field." Click on the "Field Codes" or "Options" buttons to get to the useful features of your field.

If the field you want to insert does not fit in the Field Codes line, return to the document to add additional text. With codes visible (Alt+F9), type in the desired text. Then, right-click on the text and select "Update Field."

Design Specification document

To insert regular text, simply type as you would for any document. This text will remain constant for every design.

To add variables, simply type in the name and LabView will insert the correct numerical value when a design is requested from the Server. This text will be specific to the design values used in each particular plant. For example, type "The surface area of the Entrance Tank is A.EtFloor" and the value of A.EtFloor, with any attached units, will be inserted.
Whether working from a description ("diameter of horizontal pipe in entrance tank") or a variable name ("ND.RMPipe") it is imperative that we use accurate variables. Use the Variable Naming Guide (attached here), the MathCAD files, and the wiki to ensure consistent naming convention.


Table of Contents and Headings

To add a Table of Contents (TOC), go to the References tab and click on the Table of Contents button in the Table of Contents section at the left edge.
Select the Insert Table of Contents... option and click the OK button. A small amount of text should appear that says, "No table of contents entries found." If you tap Alt+F(F9, you should see the following: "TOC\o"1-3"\h\z\u"
To add your first heading to your document, and to the TOC, type text below the TOC field where you want the text to appear, highlight it, and select the Heading 1 option from the Styles tab. The text should now appear slightly larger and colored blue.
To update the TOC, click on the References Tab, go to the Table of Contents section again, and click on the Update Table option. If a dialog box opens giving you two options, select the Update entire table option and click the OK button.

For example, adding the Table of Contents will look like this when Fields are on, and like this when they are off.


We want to be able to write equations to satisfy two criteria:
1) They are formatted well
2) We can reference an equation multiple times while only having to write it out explicitly once.

To do this, we use MathType, which is a simple way to put equations into MS Word Documents.


In Office 2007, go to the "MathType" Section of the main ribbon. It should be on the far right, next to "View"
Go to the Insert Equation section of the ribbon on the far left and click on one of the options to open up MathType. "Inline", "Display" or "Right-Numbered" all determine the alignment of the equation in the document.
Once you type the equation you want in MathType, go to File > Update "Document Name" and then close MathType.

Numbering an Equation (Not


needed if you already inserted a number)

Go to the "MathType" Section of the main ribbon. It should be on the far right, next to "View"
Click on the equation you wish to number. A blue box with little blue squares should appear around it.
Go to the Equation Numbers section and select the Insert Number option. (Note there is a dropdown menu there, so you can decide how you want to number the equations.)
A number should appear by the equation you selected.


Open up the "field" dialog box by clicking on the "insert" tab, then clicking "quick parts", and finally mousing down to and clicking on "field".
Within the dialog box, scroll down to and click on "If". You should now see a heading entitled "advanced field properties" on the right-hand side of the dialog box, with a space for field codes.
Noting the syntax for the field "IF Expression1 Operator Expression2 TrueText FalseText", click OK, and insert the field into the document.
Initialize For example, initialize a variable named "HorizEN.FlocHoriz", which will be used to determine whether to display information about horizontal or vertical flocculators.
Establish the condition: Say that if "HorizEN.FlocHoriz" is equal to a certain value, display the text pertaining to the vertical flocculator and that if "HorizEN.FlocHoriz" is equal to any other value, display the text pertaining to the horizontal flocculator (fields do not support the "if-elseif" framework).
This is done by writing: IF HorizEN.FlocHoriz=X "Vertical Flocculator: descriptive text" "Horizontal Flocculator: Descriptive text"

Checking Your Work

Working on the Documentation Task is a bit different than any other team because you need to use the Beta server to check your work. This is easy when you follow these steps:
1. Commit your changes on any computer.
2. On the Beta server (in the AguaClara lab), make sure that the computer is responsive (you may need to press "Stop").
3. In the My Documents folder, perform an SVN Update of the Final Designs folder.
4. Open the AguaClara Server, also in the My Documents folder. Wait for the computer to open AutoCAD, MathCAD, and Microsoft Word.
5. Ensure that the "Loaded CAD" and "Reload MathCAD" buttons are green. Open File Directories, and follow the prompts at the top of the window to select the correct files.
6. Since (for now) the Beta server can only be accessed by the AC Lab computers, move to a computer in the lab. Open the Design Tool, using an address.
7. Under the Advanced Controls tab, select Beta server. Enter the latest ADT version, located on the Revisions button on the Beta server.
8. Design plant!