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October 2015

October 28, 10am-11am  in Olin 703

In attendance: Hannah, Susette, Liz, Eisha, Eirva, Tre, Mira, Marsha, (a guest hawk)


  • Status of collections migration from Luna to Shared Shelf (including Utopia and Political Americana)
    - We are making a great progress to meet our target to decommission LUNA by the end 2015. Political Americana – metadata is uploaded to Shared Shelf catalog and is waiting for Liz and Eisha to review metadata before we publish the collection. Rhea and students are working to collect images for the collection.
    Utopia collection – we exported entire metadata, but only RMC material will go to Shared Shelf. Hannah is going to map fields and upload to SS, she will decide will this set go to RMC collection or separate collection. Images are ready for upload
    - Lab of O – before we start migrating this collection  Tre/Danielle/Hannah/Mira will check with Lab of O to see is there need to migrate this collection to Shared Shelf or Lab of O will manage on their end.   
    -Matt recently mentioned that HFJ will be in eMuseum sometime in November. We are going to ask Matt to provide workshop how to use eMuseum before Spring semester starts.
    -Karma – Mira will start soon to work on this migration. This shouldn’t be a problem

  • Make an action plan to remove Luna from the Visual Resources pages on the library catalog and in Libguides
    - Susette and Marsha will remove Luna from VR page and libguides. Mira will test to update one handle of ADW to point to sscommons/ADW page. If this works, we will update all handles, so links from Flickr will go to Sheard Shelf collection level. Once when we have portal for all collections we can update on our end handle server.

  • Update on Artstor’s plans for embedded metadata support
    - Recently ARTstor announce that embedded metadata support is coming soon to ARTstor. That means instead of downloading zip file that includes an image and xml file, image will be downloaded with embedded metadata.

  • Discussion of upcoming events. Brown bag workshops ahead in 2015: Omeka led by Susette on October 30, and Wikipedia with Meghan, Eirva and Kelee on December 8
  • Announcements

Image Added

September 2015

The meeting was canceled.

August 2015

August 26, 10am-11am  in Olin 703


Danielle (WebEx), Eirva, Eisha, Tre, Desi, Melissa, Jenn, Susette, Boris, Hannah



  • Demo the new digital collections portal site (Jen, Melissa and Danielle)
  • Status of current A&S grants and upcoming projects
  • Bastides project
  • VRWG workshops and talks



New digital collections portal:

Migrating We are migrating DLSX text collections for 3 years that we would like to centrally manage White paper on rather than having so many boutique-y websites

AV streaming paper

Artstor - happy with cataloging, but not front end

Met that can feel outdated quickly. This portal will provide a single point of access for all collections regardless of format type rather than creating more collection silos – everything will be in one place. This initiative was bolstered by the paper that is being written on AV streaming, and the fact that we are happy with Artstor's cataloging, but not so much their delivery system. The portal was met with more success than anticipated and want the team wanted to get feedback todayWill change . The Hydra group to will become the Digital Collections Portal groupSingle point of access for all points of collections rather than collection silos – all things in one place


Showed the public facing website for Cornell Collections of Antiquities public facing website about collection

Old websites outdated, single portal for image collections while concurrently working on DLXS collections, which are text based and unify all regardless of format type

Staging development site (not live)

Many views

Continue using SS and the staging development site for the portal. We will continue using Shared Shelf as cataloging tool, but we will be harvesting the metadata in new ways

IIIF – downloading original from SS then use IIIF viewer

Metadata display on the right

Want to hear about what users would need

SS will be there for a while

Think about different user groups

How do people collect images using this?

Email, cite, bookmark, download all into one zip file

Multiple collection searches

Bastides will go in here as well

Bastides update:

. The images will be downloaded then used with the IIIF viewer. We will have to set up user scenarios and think about how our patrons would use this/what they need. The results cam be emailed, cited, bookmarked, and downloaded in one zip file. Eventually we will be able to do multiple collection searches.

Bastides update:

The Bastides project will go into the digital collections portal. The team met with John, and we are looking to launch the website Met with John, looking to launch in early November (by his 94th birthday)Continue with current design and add in mock-ups, MB will work with MW and JC.

A&S Updates:4 funded, quite diverse

See for more information.

Lindsey Cooper archive (Ben PickettPiekut, ethnomusicologt), with estate of avant garde musician in London (late fall/winter)


Costume collection (two A&S faculty and one in human ecology), non Western collection, migrating entire Filemaker Pro database with HMHannah Marshall

Steret collection Sterrett collection of photos from RMC (Ben Anderson)


Omeka (November), AV Preservation (January)
