The AguaClara Small Scale Plant Testing team is planning to research researched how efficiently the newly built 1 liter per second plant performs. To do this, the team plans on running clay tests to see if the plant can clean water at varying high NTUs, from 5 to 500. plant performed. The plant was tested at ~100NTU, and produced effluent water < 1 NTU. After completing other tests with the same result, the team decided to ship the plant to Honduras for field testing in January of 2016. The plant was disassembled, packed, and shipped by mid-November. After shipment, the team worked on designing and fabricating a new flocculator for the plant, containing orifices instead of crimped sections. The new flocculator produced an adequate amount of head loss, so it will be brought to Honduras to include in field testing.
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Members Erica Marroquin: em628@cornell.edu Yang Pei: yp343@cornell.edu Alicia Barrientos: ab2649@cornell.edu Manuel Queijeiro: mq77@cornell.edu