- Gaining more experience running experiments in a lab and obtaining useful results.
- Learning how to design a smallFabricating a full-scale model for experimental purposes
- Gain a deeper understanding of fluid mechanics
- Get better acquainted with the problems faced in running the plant, specifically the flocculator.Utilizing past experiences in Honduras to align sub-team research with needs in Honduras
Contributions so far:
- Brainstorming potential designs
- Corresponding with APP to gain their input on our selection of design
- Contributing towards the team's task list
- Creating presentations and reports
- Carrying out and documenting various calculations for model dimensions and relevant fluid mechanics in MathCad
- Organizing testing in DeFrees hydraulics lab for flume use
- Testing model and analyzing results
- Helping obtain dimensions for the model flocculator.
- Contributing towards organization of the team's semester plan.
- Studying and reviewing the theory involved in the team's work, i.e. Flocculator Model, Flocculator Design and Fluid Mechanics.
- Helping design a model to run experiments
- Working on construction of the model used to run experiments
- Running experiments using dye tracer with and without obstacles, for laminar and turbulent flow
- Making calculations and analyzing results from the experiment