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Kate: Print serials group is having a hard time struggling with documenting the workflowspending more time than they thought learning each other's workflows.  Cornell is centralized, Columbia is decentralized.  


Boaz: Batch processing group.  A little behind.  Documenting workflow at Columbia is taking some effort, especially at Columbia, because the workflow extends into IT.  We might need support from Bob to get more of IT (Evelyn's?) time)?  Perhaps not.  Gary Branch thinks it will be hard to meet their deadline.  Boaz is getting a little involved.  

Robert:  Non-Marc MARC group from Cornell is coming to Columbia this week.  Robert has access to their documents.  They are steaming forward, it appears.  Lot's Lots of documentation produced by the group already.

Robert: Copy cataloging.  They appear to be getting started.  So far Cornell has produced a bit more documentation.  Columbia playing catchup're working on the inventory of staff and expertise.  Cornell has shared some documentation in these areas and Columbia is preparing equivalents.

Adam:  Adam met with Amy Blumenthal to talk about the Desktop support group. Adam stressed that we need to be able to ramp up in phase 2 later this year.


Kate:  Columbia has three major manuals:
1. Cataloging practices manualPractices Manual (CPM).  Requires guest account.

2.  Serials  practices manualSerials Cataloging, Adding and Recon Manual (SCARM).  Requires a Columbia single sign on id.

3.  Departmental catalogng and maintenance manualCollection Maintenance Manual (DCMM).  Requires a Columbia single sign on id.

4. Some department unit units have a shared drive.

Who from Cornell has a Columbia id?  Gary Branch has guest id.  Boaz and Jesse have access to ? Liisa?


Kate: Write email explaining Columbia union.   Perhaps isolate the management rights part of the contract and add some context.  Columbia union staff cannot manage other union staff.  They can train students.  They cannot do performance reviews.  We can add this to the agenda for the wg leads meeting in May.

Robert/Kate:  Add union support staff names to their Columbia org charts, if not there already.