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Spring 2010 Syllabus for CEE 2550, 4550, and 5052

(Under Construction)

Class is held almost every Tuesday and only on the Thursdays listed on the syllabus. Other Thursdays are reserved for team meetings and work. Monroe, Julie, Matt, and Heather are almost always available to meet during the Thursday class period in case you or your team needs to make an appointment. If you would like to meet with Monroe, set up an appointment



Class topics and/or work due

Tues 1/26


Thurs 1/28

Class: Intro Introduction to AguaClara, project scope and overviewIntroduction to Teams, Course Description, and changes from last semester
Read the Team Challenges page and start thinking about what team you want to be on. Think of questions to ask about the teams for Tuesday's class.
Complete the online lab safety training by the time you arrive in class on TuesdayThursday

Tues 2/2

Class: Intro to subteam projects and structure with the subteam leaders
Bring your calendar to Thursday's class

Wednesday 1/27

Team organization survey due by 9AM

Thurs 1/28 Thur 2/4

Team Training. Design Team meet in Accel Computer Lab (Red room on second floor) in Carpenter Hall. Research teams meet in Hollister 150. Outreach Team meet in Hollister 366. Team organization survey due by 9AM

Tues 2/9

Team Training. Design Team meet in AguaClara lab (Hollister Hall B60A in basement). Research teams meet in Hollister 150. Outreach Team meet in Hollister 366.

Thurs 2 /11

Class: Introduction to Wiki Work (for new team members): meet for class in Blue Accel Computer Lab in Carpenter Library
New members Create your individual wiki page 
Old members meet with your teams

Thur Tues 2/16

Class: Meet for team work


Team Work

Fri 2/5

Thurs 2/18

Team work Detailed Task List and Calendar due by 5pm

Tues 2/23

Class: Reflections from Honduras Trip

Thurs 2/11

Team Work

Tues 2/16

Class: Motivational lecture by Monroe and Team Forum Team work

Thurs 2/25 18

Team work
Work You should begin working on presentations for teach ins

Tues 2/23

Teleconference with Sarah Long and Dan Smith (AguaClara Engineers in Honduras)

Thurs 2/25

Team work

Fri 2/26

Updated Detailed Task List from comments due by 5pm

Tues 3/2 Forum

CFD and CDC Teach Ins : All team discussion of how things are going

Thurs 3/4

Team Work

Tues 3/9

Speaker: Larry Harrington Presentation Slides Design Teach In

Thurs 3/11

Teleconference with Sarah Long, AguaClara alumna working as AguaClara engineer in Honduras Team Work

Tues 3/16

Speakers: Alissa Diminich and Rachael Moxley, Career Opportunities for AguaClara Alumni

Thurs 3/18

Team Work

Fri 3/19

Midterm Peer Evaluation Form due by 5pm

Tues 3/23

No Class: Spring Break

Thurs 3/25

No Class: Spring Break

Tues 3/30

Tube Floc and ANC Control Teach Ins Class: Teach ins for Outreach, Floc Blanket Research teams
Class: Teach in for Design team

Thurs 4/1

Team Work

Tues 4/6

Class: Teach in for Tube Floc, Plate Settler Spacing, Chemical Dose Controller teams Outreach and PSS Teach Ins

Thurs 4/8

Presentation: Professor Ken Roberts, Government Professor, speaking about Honduras Team Work

Tues 4/13

Class: Teach in for ANC Control, CFD Simulation Filtration Teach In

Thurs 4/15

  Team Work

Tues 4/20

Forum: All students share updates on their research and how their teams are running Inlet Manifolds/PIV Teach In, Forum: What changes should be made for next semester?

Thurs 4/22

Team Work

Tues 4/27

Team Work

Thurs 4/29

Team Work

Tues 5/4

Team Work

Thurs 5/6

First draft of final wiki due by 5pm
All team discussion Class: All teams give a short summary of their progress since the teach in

Fri 5/7 14

Peer Evaluations due by 5pm


Finals Weeks

Final wiki draft due before team presentations.

Wed 12/9

Don't forget to update your_ individual page!!

Final presentations and dinner 4:00-7:30 in Hollister: McManus Lounge

Grading Scheme

For a complete explanation of what is expected for each assignment and the criteria that it will be graded on, please refer to the wiki assignments page.




Meeting Minutes and Calendar




Teach In


Midterm wiki report


Final wiki report first draft


Final wiki report


Final presentations


Individual effort & contribution (based on individual contribution page and peer evaluation)

