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Meeting Information:

SAB/MAB DINNER: September 21, Monday, Toledo Restaurant, 7pm

See directions at:

MEETING LOCATION:  Cornell Industrial and Labor Relations Conference Center, 16 East 34th Street, 6th FloorADD A MAP AND INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT MORNING ARRIVAL

CONTACT: Oya Y. Rieger, (607) 351 9828 or (607) 254 5160


BACKGROUND INFORMATION: arXiv Member Advisory Board Work Space


arXiv users and current/emerging needs
Informal & brief presentations by MAB members about what they are hearing from their local users about arXiv:

--Is arXiv meeting scientists' needs? Both as readers and submitters of papers. Any features that arXiv is not providing and needed by scientists (research data support, social networking tools, better interoperability with other related system, etc.)? Are there any other online databases or repositories that scientists prefer to arXiv?

--What do you see as graduate students' up-and-coming needs? How do they differ from the current generation of scientists? What do we need to do to continue to meet current and emerging needs?

--Opinions on arXiv's quality parameters. Our goal is to ensure that articles are of interest, relevance, and value to the disciplines in which they are listed. Submissions are reviewed by expert moderators to verify that they are topical and refereeable scientific contributions that follow accepted standards of scholarly communication. Submissions may be rejected or reclassified based on moderator input. Does arXiv strike the right balance between quality and openness? Are article classifications appropriate and useful?

--Any 'stories' you hear about how arXiv is affecting their research or communication.



8:15-8:30 am

Arrivals & continental breakfast (muffins, bagels, cut fruit, orange juice, and coffee/tea)

8:30-10:00 am

Introductions and arXiv overviewOverview (10 minute each topic and Q&A)                     


Beyond 2013-2017 Business Plan: Planning for Next Business Cycle

The core theme of this year's annual meeting will be the design of an assessment plan to evaluate our current business and governance model. This process is essential as we start considering the next 5-year business planning cycle (2018-2022). This process will begin with the identification of desired outcomes and success measures to gauge progress (for instance, dynamics of the governance model, level of financial support, enhancements to arXiv, improvements to moderation system, etc.). Cornell team will use this model to conduct a self-evaluation with input from the Simons Foundation, MAB, SAB, and other key partners such as users. After considering a number of tools such as the Balanced Score Card, SWOT Analysis, and Performance Prism, the Assessment Subgroup (Esther Tobschall and Tim Klassen, Oya Rieger) recommends that we pursue a hybrid approach and create a model based on the arXiv's principles, which offered a foundation for the current business and governance model:

  • Assessment of the current governance and business model (group discussion)
  • Executive session without the Cornell team facilitated by Carol Hoover and Jim Mullins:Background Documents
    • What are the strengths of the current arXiv governance and membership model? What is working well?
    • What are the areas for improvement? How should the Cornell team strengthen the operation from technical, policy, user support, fund raising, and communication perspectives?
    • Do you find your role as an MAB member fulfilling?  Has Cornell set the right expectations? What are the other ways MAB could be involved in advising the Cornell team?
    • Any other input/suggestions you may want to relay to us.


Business model overview

  • Budget review and projections (CY14 & CY15)
  • 'Give button' pilot as a fund raising strategy
  • Strategies for reaching out to research councils for contributions
  • Beyond 2013-2017 business plan - preliminary ideas and strategies for increasing funding sources
  • Background Documents
    arXiv Business Model, 2013-2017
    CY14 CY15 budget (with mid-year adjustment)
    CY15 - projected CY16 draft budget (draft to be distributed be discussed during the meeting)

    (includes a 10-minute break)




Working lunch  - arXiv and Trends in Repositories, Publishing, and User Behavior

Please be prepared to share your insights and experiences to inform us about the evolving user expectations and use patterns. Also, we are interested in trends in repositories and publishing that should inform arXiv's future directions. This will be an informal discussion, no need to bring any slides.


Working lunch  - arXiv users and current/emerging needs discussion continues
 (includes a 15-minute break)


arXiv and scholarly communication: arXiv operates on limited resources therefore it is critical for us to identify priorities. We'll discuss the importance of several initiatives vis-à-vis arXiv to review arXiv's plans and get your input on identifying what should be a priority for us.

  • Interoperability of arXiv and Institutional Repositories
  • Emerging open access mandates from funders & compliance issues (e.g., plans for integration of standardized metadata by use of ID like ORCID, Grant-IDs, or Institutional IDs; SHARE & CHORUS)
  • Linking to research data


Future strategies and directions: We invite your questions & recommendations. Here are the questions we've received so far from the MAB members to be addressed at this meeting:

  • Are there any new subjects and fields on arXiv responding to different disciplines' publishing habits?
  • What is the desirability and feasibility of  outsourcing arXiv's technical development and support?
  • Are there any new developments in regard to your collaboration with ADS, Inspire, Epi Science, etc.?
  • What are the new developments with SCOAP3 & arXiv collaboration?,

Special Projects: Review of Special Projects and Additional Funding Needs & Sources

The current 5-year business plan represents a baseline maintenance scenario. It was developed based on an analysis of the arXiv's baseline expenses during 2010-2012. It does not factor in any new functionality requirements or other unforeseen resource needs. Although a development reserve was established to fund such expenses, it is not sufficient to subsidize significant development efforts through surplus funds. Stewardship of resources such as arXiv involves not only covering the operational costs but also continuing to enhance their value based on the needs of the user community and the evolving patterns and modes of scholarly communication. We need to pursue grants (e.g., NSF) and engage in collaborations to secure additional funds.

See: 2015 arXiv Roadmap



  • Review of the meeting outcomes



  • MAB 2-year terms
  • Review of the meeting outcomes
  • Communication strategies -- with MAB and other key stakeholders
  • Any feedback, questions, recommendations for arXiv team


  • Margareta Fathli, representing Tommy Ohlsson, Professor , KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Theoretical Physics, Sweden
  • Carol Hoover, Digital Information Resources Manager, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US
  • Tracy Gabridge, Associate Director for Research & Instructional Services,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US,
  • Zhixiong Zhang, Assistant Director of National Science Library, National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (will not be able to participate)
  • Philip G. Kent, University Librarian, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Molly White, Director, Math, Physics, Astronomy Library, University of Texas, Austin, US
  • Tim Klassen, Head, Science and Technology Library, University of Alberta, Canada
  • Eva Isaksson, Physics Librarian, University of Helsinki, Finland,
  • James (Jim) L. Mullins, Dean of Libraries and Esther Ellis Norton Professor, Purdue University, Representing Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), US
  • Esther Tobschall, German National Library of Science and Technology Germany, Representing Consortium arXiv-DH and HGF: Coordinated by the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) and Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Germany
  • Catriona CannonLucie Burgess, Associate Director , Collection Supportfor Digital Libraries and Collection Management, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,Representing Jisc, UK
  • Laine Farley, representing MacKenzie Smith, University Librarian at UC DavisSteve Mandeville-Gamble, University Librarian, University of California, Riverside , Representing University of California, US
  • Yuri Tschinkel, Professor of Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, Director of Mathematics and the Physical Sciences, Representing Simons Foundation, US (will not be able to participate) 

Ex Officio Members

Cornell University Library

  • Chris Myers, Interim Scientific Director
  • Jaron Porciello, Digital Scholarship Initiatives Coordinator, arXiv Membership Program Lead
  • Oya Y. Rieger, Associate University Librarian, Digital Scholarship & Preservation Services; arXiv Program Director (MAB Chair)
  • David Ruddy, Director, Scholarly Communication Services, arXiv User Support Manager
  • Simeon Warner, Director, Software Development & Repository Architecture, arXiv IT Manager

Scientific Advisory Board

  • Steven Gottlieb, Distinguished Professor of Physics, Indiana University , US

  • Karen Vogtmann, Professor of Mathematics, University of Warwick, UK/Cornell University (will not be able to participate)

  • David Morrison, Professor of Mathematics and Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara , US(representing Karen Vogtmann)