Brooke Pian's Individual Contribution Page
Spring 2013 Contributions
Summer 2011 Contributions
This summer, I am part of the Demo Plant team. Our challenge is to incorporate the stacked rapid sand filter design of the AguaClara plants into the demonstration plant.
Spring 2013 Contributions
This semester, Bonnie and I continued Tori's work on high flow modifications for AguaClara plants. We considered the constraints on achieving macro- and micro-mixing in the rapid mix channel for high flow plants. I helped write code to determine the geometry of the rapid mix channel. We then calculated the headloss through the channel, as well as the dimensions for a micro-mix orifice sheet and micro-mix gates (of PVC pipes, steel or aluminum bars).
Summer 2013 Contributions
This summer, I am part of the Turbelent Flow Flocculator teamIn the Spring 2013 semester, I continued the work of Kira Gidron from the Fall 2012 semester on the Materials List. I completed code designed to separate a PipeMatrix (which will come from changes in code to all pipe-drawing functions) into smaller matrices, each of which contains only rows with the same ND and EN values. PipeMatrix will consist of rows that each represent different pipes used to construct a requested plant design; each row contains a pipe's length, nominal diameter (ND), pipe schedule/specification (EN) and number of times it is arrayed. I also started code that will use these smaller matrices to find out the minimum number of lances (6.1 meter lengths of pipes sold in Honduras) needed to construct any given plant design. This section of code has not yet been completed.