Team Leader: Francine Mitto
Summer 2009 team members
- Rapid Mix Testing: We are attempting to recreate a surface film similar to that found in AguaClara Plants in Honduras in a lab setting.
- The group will work together and hopes to accomplish this within a three week period
Week 1: Varying Alum Dosage (35 mg/L, 45 mg/L, 55 mg/L, 65 mg/L)
Week 2: Varying Turbidity
Week 3: Varying Location of Alum Addition (above water surface vs below water surface)and Aeration of water
Week 4: Addition of surfactant and design a way to reduce water aeration in current plants
Week 5: Continue design and calculations of plant with less water aeration
- The group will work together and hopes to accomplish this within a three week period
- Non-Linear Dose Controller: We need to revise the MathCAD code before constructing a fully functional model.
- The group will work together and hopes to accomplish this after completing our first goal.
Week 46: MathCad Revision
Week 57: Construction of Level Arm
Week 68: Assembly of Non-Linear Dose Controller
- The group will work together and hopes to accomplish this after completing our first goal.