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October 2015

October 28, 10am-11am  in Olin 703

In attendance: Hannah, Susette, Liz, Eisha, Eirva, Tre, Mira, Marsha, (a guest hawk)


  • Status of collections migration from Luna to Shared Shelf (including Utopia and Political Americana)
    - We are making a great progress to meet our target to decommission LUNA by the end 2015. Political Americana – metadata is uploaded to Shared Shelf catalog and is waiting for Liz and Eisha to review metadata before we publish the collection. Rhea and students are working to collect images for the collection.
    Utopia collection – we exported entire metadata, but only RMC material will go to Shared Shelf. Hannah is going to map fields and upload to SS, she will decide will this set go to RMC collection or separate collection. Images are ready for upload
    - Lab of O – before we start migrating this collection  Tre/Danielle/Hannah/Mira will check with Lab of O to see is there need to migrate this collection to Shared Shelf or Lab of O will manage on their end.   
    -Matt recently mentioned that HFJ will be in eMuseum sometime in November. We are going to ask Matt to provide workshop how to use eMuseum before Spring semester starts.
    -Karma – Mira will start soon to work on this migration. This shouldn’t be a problem

  • Make an action plan to remove Luna from the Visual Resources pages on the library catalog and in Libguides
    - Susette and Marsha will remove Luna from VR page and libguides. Mira will test to update one handle of ADW to point to sscommons/ADW page. If this works, we will update all handles, so links from Flickr will go to Sheard Shelf collection level. Once when we have portal for all collections we can update on our end handle server.

  • Update on Artstor’s plans for embedded metadata support
    - Recently ARTstor announce that embedded metadata support is coming soon to ARTstor. That means instead of downloading zip file that includes an image and xml file, image will be downloaded with embedded metadata.

  • Discussion of upcoming events. Brown bag workshops ahead in 2015: Omeka led by Susette on October 30, and Wikipedia with Meghan, Eirva and Kelee on December 8
  • Announcements

Image Added

September 2015

The meeting was canceled.

August 2015

August 26, 10am-11am  in Olin 703

In attendance:

Danielle (WebEx), Eirva, Eisha, Tre, Desi, Melissa, Jenn, Susette, Boris, Hannah


  • Demo the new digital collections portal site (Jen, Melissa and Danielle)
  • Status of current A&S grants and upcoming projects
  • Bastides project
  • VRWG workshops and talks


New digital collections portal:

We are migrating DLSX text collections that we would like to centrally manage rather than having so many boutique-y websites that can feel outdated quickly. This portal will provide a single point of access for all collections regardless of format type rather than creating more collection silos – everything will be in one place. This initiative was bolstered by the paper that is being written on AV streaming, and the fact that we are happy with Artstor's cataloging, but not so much their delivery system. The portal was met with more success than anticipated and the team wanted to get feedback today. The Hydra group will become the Digital Collections Portal group


Showed the public facing website for Cornell Collections of Antiquities and the staging development site for the portal. We will continue using Shared Shelf as cataloging tool, but we will be harvesting the metadata in new ways. The images will be downloaded then used with the IIIF viewer. We will have to set up user scenarios and think about how our patrons would use this/what they need. The results cam be emailed, cited, bookmarked, and downloaded in one zip file. Eventually we will be able to do multiple collection searches.

Bastides update:

The Bastides project will go into the digital collections portal. The team met with John, and we are looking to launch the website in early November (by his 94th birthday).

A&S Updates:

See for more information.

Lindsey Cooper archive (Ben Piekut, ethnomusicologt), with estate of avant garde musician in London (late fall/winter)

On Our Backs (Susie Bright archive) – working on this this spring (Kate McCullough, Brenda Marsden)

Costume collection (two A&S faculty and one in human ecology), non Western collection, migrating entire Filemaker Pro database with Hannah Marshall

Sterrett collection of photos from RMC (Ben Anderson)


Omeka (November), AV Preservation (January)

July 2015

July 22, 10am-11am  in Olin 703


  • Luna migration progress:
  • Marsha and Susette sent the email to AAP and A&S faculty to let them know about decommissioning Luna. There are no major or negative responses so far. Bonnie MacDougall pointed out that metadata in SS is not same as in Luna. Hannah and Mira will work on this to sync these two databases.
  • Hannah, Mira and Rhea are working on Political Americana migration. Export from Luna is in xml format, which is difficult to convert to xlsx for Shared Shelf upload. We might need help from Dianne D. to write a script. Rhea hired a student to transfer images from DVD and sort out for SS upload.
  • E-Museum update: The Johnson Museum signed a contract with Gallery Systems and will be migrating their collection to TMS
  • Status of current A&S grants and upcoming projects
  • Bastides project
  • Future and changes within VRWG
  • ARTstor/SS updates
  • ARTstor merged indexing results from SS and ARTstor library. We don’t need any more to publish collections in both places, but we need to go back to each collection and deselect ARTstor target and republish each collection. Right now it looks like that each collection is published twice. Hannah will talk with Elizabeth to see is there a simple process to fix this.
  • VR workshops and presentations: We came up with a few additional ideas: AV streaming and policy with Tre, Tableau with Boris as well as other resources (a primer)

June 2015

June 8, 11am-noon  in Olin 703


  • Sort out trouble with Outlook calendars
  • Luna collections migration (Political Americana, Lab of O, Utopia ( ? ), Karma, Saskia (Export images and metadata from Luna and archive. This collection is not going to SS/ARTstor),  HFJ (TMS upgrade, moving to eMuseum; Staff from  Museum will take care of this migration), KVRC – migrating database from Pictor to SS
  • Planning outreach, dealing with user accounts and groups. When we last met with the museum, a follow-up was in order and we need to think more about eMuseum. Mira exported all users and groups for the Johnson collection – they can recreate groups or keep certain images in high resolution. Luna has 470 groups and more than 300 relate to the Johnson. Task force for this? We should send a message to users sooner rather than later. Susette and Marsha will meet to draft this email.
  • Image sets for Political Americana, upload RMC collections directly to Shared Shelf (unlimited download size for each of their targets)(we need to confirm with Liz whether this is correct) – Mira will start with these collections at the end of July, and is now working with Lab of O. Now replacing tiffs with jpegs and saving space. Melissa can check whether we have sites that link to Luna. We will also need to update catalog records. Check on maps collections to make sure they are complete.
  • User groups review
  • User accounts and outreach
  • Websites update – Melissa will check links in system and through Google, Rick created individual DOIs for images and their metadata for Flickr images (we should have links going to the source of the collection without specifying Luna or Shared Shelf – all redirects from the resolver site). Change single links to collection level.
  • Existing Flickr collections update
  • Updates from VRA Chapter meeting – Fewer and fewer people can afford to attend chapter meetings, so they may do one virtually and one somewhere in New York State each year. There was a presentation on the update from MDID to MDID 3 and they discussed systems updates, some institutions were moving from flat databases to relational databases.


  • Hydra as a front end discovery and integration layer – Danielle and Melissa will talk about this at the next meeting.
  • Susette will talk about Omeka at next meeting – 7 of us are interested in Omeka training (we could be using it for staff use, but also faculty and students; some concern about so many systems, ARTstor documentation is poor but their marketing is good)

May 2015

May 27th meeting was canceled.

April 2015

April 22, 10-11 am in Olin 703

In attendance: Marsha,Susette, Mira, Tre, Melissa, Hannah, Eirina, Boris, Danielle, and Eisha


  • saving/presenting student work
    -Shared Shelf examples of preserving student work, access for courses Referencing student work that's been used in the past ten years
    -Data management for large image sets
    -Students and image management (look into this)
    -Marsha will set up a meeting with Danielle, Martha and Hannah to talk about saving student work.
  • updates on the Luna migration
    -Danielle, Chris and Mira met with Ellen and Matt from Johnson, TMS should be upgraded. Museum collection is going to be eMuseum. Chris and CIT are updating TMS right now. Pressure because donor gave money for eMuseum 5 years ago and is being supported by IT (library won't have a license or support it).
    Problem: synching the ARTstor and eMuseum collection
    -Give a few weeks on the upgrade, meet with museum and how propriaterial do they feel about teaching it
    -4 collections from CUL to push to a Luna-hosted:PJ Mode collection, Karma  collection (two Japanese collections) (page turning), Racker collection. Art and artifacts (Howard Howland faculty grant). SS does not support mobile or handle relational data well
    -Political Americana collection: Mira, Hannah, Liz and Eisha will meet and discuss PAM migration
    -Claire Holt - who owns original rights? 50s, 60s, 70s documenting contemporary art, incredibly valuable as a resource, much research value, huge rights issues, could we take a strategic risk as a research collection ? Upload size 4 images to Artstor library.
  • preparation of an outreach plan as we discontinue Luna
    -Timeline: out of Luna by summer/early fall, get the word out to faculty and museum, can Mira track active accounts? Use and creators
    -Plan for outreach: Danielle, Marsha and Susette
  • home for Saskia and Utopia collections
    -Saskia and Utopia -- already exist in Scholar's Resource, so store at Cornell and don't move to SS (but what about RMC collections that aren't there and they have complicated metadata) All public domain, of course We will still shut down Luna collection. Export RMC images from Utopia coll. and upload to SS/new collection
    Must update all website stuff and guides with Luna

    -SS is moving towards adapting IIIF but we don't have the resources to move images
    -Hard deadlines for Pictor migrations have not happened
  • Flickr maintenance


March 2015

March 25, 10-11am in Olin 703


  • VRA 2015 Conference update (Marsha, Mira and Hannah)
    - ARTstor next realease will allow search Sheard Shelf commons collections through ARTstor site. Now we are publishing images to both places (ARTstor and SS). Once when this feature is available we would need to remove our collections from ARTstor that are in SS commons as well.
  • Luna updates
    -Because of security vulnerability of Luna server, we soon have to decide about Luna server status. We have to move all our collections out from Luna v6.2, either to let Luna to host some collections or upgrade our system to v7.1. After conversation with Drake from LunaImaging, Danielle reported back to the VRWG group. The most complex collection in Luna and still very much in use by faculty and students is HFJ. Options are: to let Luna to host HFJ, there will be annual charge plus charge for migration/mapping. Other option is to move this collection to eMuseum. HFJ has to decide and will cover cost for it.
    -Liz brought up a discussion about limited download size in Shared Shelf. Right not max download size from SS is 1024.  RMC would like to be able to download hi-res images from Shared Shelf from RMC and ADW collections. RMC gets often requests and retrieval from different system is not sustainable. Danielle will follow up with ARTstor about this.
    -Susette suggested to contribute images to the Images for Academic Publishing (IAP) program, and with this have option to download images with higher resolution.
  • Collection promotion
    Eirva presented "Sharing and promoting images via Wikipedia" and how to increase the visibility of digital collections. Everyone likes the idea. 
  • Hannah Marshall will talk about her research "A Comparative Study of Indexer- and User-assigned Subject Metadata in a Teaching Collection of Art Images"
  • Flickr maintenance

February 2015

February 25, 10-11am in Olin 703

In attendance: Hannah Marie Marshall, Danielle Mericle, Boris Michev, Matt Ryan, Eisha Neely, Marsha Taichman, Mira Basara, Melissa Wallace, and Eirini Diamessis

  • We welcomed a new VRWG member from DMG, Eirini Diamessis!
  • VRWG programming
    - Eisha suggested a program about using images and video in social media. Best platforms for different media, using images to promote collections and events, copyright and citation concerns, etc.
    - Hannah/Mira – to provide a training to staff how to embed metadata into files.
  • Update from Danielle on her Artstor/Shared Shelf meeting
    - Danielle gave us an update from her meeting with ARTstor. Shared Shelf 1.2 should be released sometime in March. In April, KVRC database should be moved from Pictor to Shared Shelf.
    - Shared Shelf API and IIIF development – this will give us better access to image databases.
    - We pay to ARTstor for storage usage, right now we have 1.3 TB, 1.5 TB will be different higher rate. Hannah and Mira will work to replace Archivision tiff images with jpegs to free up some storage
    - ARTstor doesn’t allow to download tiff images. RMC needs to be able to download tiffs
    - MacDougall collection – metadata is migrated to SS, we need to upload jpegs.
    -we all agree that faculty user group should be supported by VRWG and CUL, not by ARTstor
  • Marsha is going to set up a group that will be working on migrating collections out of LUNA to Shared Shelf
  • We talked about using social media to promote new collections and services. Tre is going to set up a twitter and Instagram account under dcaps_cul
  • New collections/AAP grants projects
  • Possibility/thoughts to publish more open collections via Flickr commons
    There is an opposite opinions about publishing collections via Flickr. Some people think that will be one more platform to maintain, while other thinks that will be minimal effort to publish, maintain and low cost. Mira is going to find out more about our current Flickr account, collections, etc. and bring feedback to the next VRWG meeting.
  • Hannah Marshall will talk about the preliminary research that she'll be presenting on the poster at VRA conference "A Comparative Study of Indexer- and User-assigned Subject Metadata in a Teaching Collection of Art Images"
