Excerpt |
Oliver recommended John Miner confirm continued benefits from the variety of internet services running out of the Linux Lab, taking into account risks to systems (including risk to other systems on the same network.) Especially since are many free CIT alternatives for most, if not all, these services. |
See also
3/2/2016: John informed Oliver and Frank that the below services (and physical lab, as well) are being reviewed by Jim Sethna.
Internet services run out of the Linux Lab
1) Web sites
See also <Review Physics non-research web site services>.
- http://computing.physics.cornell.edu - Why not use CU Blogs instead?
- http://pages.physics.cornell.edu/ - free personal webhost for users with SQL being provided - why?
- As of 8/27/15: Error. Refers to Physics primary web site, confusing folks with who is responsible.
- Using https (with the "s") does resolve, but apparently not set up correctly so not secure and some browsers flag that as an untrustworthy site, often making it difficult to even use at all!
- As of 8/27/15: Error. Refers to Physics primary web site, confusing folks with who is responsible.
- http://www.eyh.cornell.edu/ - Expand Your Horizons - why can't this be run of one of CIT's web services or by CCMR who is the official departmental owner of this group.