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Webex meeting (Neely's room).; 1:30 - 2:30pm

Present: Amy, Thomas, Jim, Erin, Neely, Patrick, Gaby, Sarah (last half)

I. Academic Global Librarianship Services Webinar—Attended by Neely (her notes below)


  • Dan Perkins (Global Services Librarian at NYU)
  • Lindsay Wharton (Extended Campus and Distance Services Librarian at Florida State University)  
  • Hong Cheng (Global Services Librarian at University of Cincinnati) 

Abstract: As the opportunities and challenges raised by globalization become more a part of people’s everyday lives, colleges and universities are committed to providing their students with academic opportunities on a global scale. This has led academic libraries to focus their efforts on meeting the needs of their students and faculty at global campuses and study abroad sites. Also under the same trend, the number of global services/education librarians is on the rise with unique responsibilities and experiences. In this panel, we’ll be discussing:

  • the similarities and differences between the global library services programs at our respective sites;
  • the opportunities and challenges we’ve faced, including how to work with partners in headquarters as well as overseas;
  • discuss how global library services may be evolving in the future.
    • Experiences we have had
    • Future trends in global librarianship

Neely’s notes:

View file
nameGlobal Librarianship.docx

Team questions/comments about webinar:

  1. scale? How many students or faculty are supported by this one person?
    1. Different campuses support a single international liaision for different reasons – some of them have to do with accreditation (FSU), with library staff on remote campuses NYU), with support for courses, not necessarily degreed programs; and special subject programs (Cincinnati).
    2. Copy of Xin & Anne’s paper on Global librarian (Neely will share)
    3. What are the pros/cons of a single person to support program vs distributed support in the colleges?
      1. All three cases had different reasons for having a single person.  For us it might not be worth it or even doable because of our distributed campus
      2. Single global/international librarian suggestion has been proposed before.

Future point of discussion.

Question: what does internationalization look like without KT and ARK?

  • does it make sense to have one internationalization liaison
  • does it make sense for everyone to have this perspective in their job description.(ie, embedded in everyone's lives).


II. Data Collected - librarian presence activities within Cornell and Within the Library

Team reactions/comments:

  • overwhelming
  • spreadsheet difficult to read;  information is messy - wide-spread institution;
  • editing data more is useful before showing it to others. 
  • reflects Cornell's complexity
  • visualization - what's important for Xin & KT
  • valuable information that could be output in more digestible form -- may not be our responsibility for us on how it's used.  
  • Once created, is it to be maintained? Who’s responsible for update/maintenance?
  • Assessment & Communication to help with the visualization
  • make more digestible

Suggestions for sharing data:

  1. 1.       spider chart
    1. lots of data points - figure out a way what they are and where the gaps are and make a chart.  Indicate time spent by librarians and in what areas; what are we doing ?
    2. not for us to dictate how much time or effort to be for internationalization but to inform
    3. 2.       matrix
      1. quadrants - which area are we spending more time and what not...  to make sense of it.
      2. is it helpful to have a listing of what’s being supported?
      3. and have the idea that one person would update it on a yearly basis (?)


  • the matrix doesn't support all that we do, for eg., Teal is not there.
  • maybe do a combination - the radar chart and the matrix.....  and then we can remove parts that are not relevant to Xin & KT.
  • not need this visualization for Xin or KT (keep raw data)
  • Limiting factors at CUL? time, money & people.  Important for library to know how much time we spend on this (with our expertise).  How to deploy? what's best for college and unit? 


III.                Prep for meeting next week with Kornelia & Xin

Questions for them:

Patrick will pitch in to ask questions with Neely.

  1. Who they see as other stakeholders who could use this information?
  2. Is this a vehicle to establish partnerships?  Only CUL? For non-CUL partners? To see what each individual units are up to?
  3. thoughts on visualization of the data; perhaps offer advice and guidance..


  • Other constraints (besides money, time and people)  that we have here at CUL for providing support internationalization?
    • unpredictability of future
    • 2CUL has worked really well in coll development, but what about colleagues in Columbia, and how to incorporate them into our work as far as internationalization is concerned?
    • number of priorities that we have.

Next Steps

  • ALL – send questions to Neely for Xin & Kornelia (by tomorrow) so she can incorporate for them prior to meeting.
  • Meeting Kornelia & Xin on Monday Dec 12 at 11am (703).   They will see/or have seen the raw data collected on this as is.
  • Use meeting to get guidance on goals and priorities for presenting & sharing this information within CUL and beyond
  • Team debrief post meeting to figure out how to present this story with visuals and documents
  • Ask support from A&C to present data (Gaby reach out)

Next Year

  • Outside of CUL – what are priorities for support for international students/faculty?
  • Move to prepare final report.