Scope: This procedure lists the notes which may be made in the catalog record for a pre-1600 manuscript . All of these notes are in 500 fields unless otherwise notedcataloged individually. We now catalog these items using DCRM(MSS), but while those rules don't necessarily call for making a separate 500 note for each of the topics listed below as AMREMM does, the list is still useful as an overview of the relevant descriptive information to include in the record.For more information on the topics listed, see AMREMM (Gregory A. Pass, Descriptive Cataloging of Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern Manuscripts. Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries, 2002). For Cornell RMC purposes, we include notes on the script and the provenance of the item, even though they are not mandatory for summary-level records.
Unit: RMC
Date last updated: 08/26/2015
Date of next review: August 20162023
1. Format, nature, and scope (500 or 520)
4. Contents (505 0_) , only if you are cataloging a compiled work or multiple works--cf. see AMREMM, 7B5
5. Layout
6. Script
7. Decoration
12. Immediate source of acquisition (541 1_): but if the item is a gift, follow the LTS Procedure for noting a gift in the catalog record.
13. Preferred form of citation/current shelfmark (524)
14. Reference to published description(s) or citation(s) (510 3_ if you are not giving a specific page or item number in the citation; 510 4_ if you are giving it). See the online database Standard Citation Forms for Rare Materials Cataloging for the correct citation form to use.
15. Reference to published treatment(s) or edition(s) of the manuscript, if readily ascertainable (581)
16. Form of reproduction (533)
17. Holder of originals, if known (535)
18. Cataloging history (583 1_ $z)