For the teach in, I presented a simply schematic for the experimental setup. Basically, I mapped out how the water, clay, and alum flow through the system. In addition, I decided where the turbidity is measured.Teach-In
For the midterm report, I got familiar with Wiki. I explore the color fronts, linking attachments, equations to the page that is being edit.Midterm Report I have done several meeting minutes.
In the final report, I wrote and presented materials and information for the method section. In the method, I wrote about the details of the setup. I present why each tubing was essential for the setup in a detailed bulleted format. In addition, I explained in detail each components of the system. For example, I explained why the flocculator was extended.For our final report, I was responsible for the method section. In addition, I contributed to our quiz for next semester.
Furthermore, I compared the differences between the original setup to the improved setup. In the comparison, I specified why and how my team came up reasoning for each specific change. Additionally, I reported that our changes in the setup did indeed enhance the setup with our observations and data collected.