Senior / Meng in Biological and Environmental Engineering
Research team member working with the pilot plant and focusing on the Linear Flow Orifice Meter.
Fall 2008 Contributions
This semester I have been focused on perfecting the FLOM design techniques by re-evaluating the intital data that the mathcad code is based on. I spent a good amount of time reading on the internet and trying to understand how and why the Sutro weir, linear-proportional weir, works. The main resource website for the is available on the wiki sutro wier research page|LFOM sutro weir research]and provides a very helpful discussion of the sutro weir. From that paper and the CEE 454 slides I created an equations page for the sutro wier, available [here| here. The format of eqautions was very difficult for me to figure out, it took several attempts but I now have a strong grasp of the process. This semester I have documented portions of the mathcad code, in order to improve the efficiency of project turn-around. The documentation pages for weir design and flow rate through weir are completed. For the rest of the semester I hope to test the overflow situation and complete the paper.
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