- Greta Bahnemann
- Mira Basara
- Karen Brummund
- Surinder Ghangas
- Danielle Mericle
- Susette Newberry
- Rick Silterra
- Margaret Webster
- HFJ rep?
Develop plan to test the following in Luna 6.0:
- Personal collections will not be supported in 6.0.
- Flickr collections must be public not private
- Presentations will not migrate to 6.0, but groups will. Faculty have to rebuild presentations if they want to go with 6.0.
- Annotations will not work in 6.0. Issues discovered through initial testing:* Errors: creating and sharing groups; viewing image captions (check to see if fixed after reload of 6.0); exporting groups (varying image size, metadata transfer, etc)
- Cross-collection searching