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Wiki Markup
h1. AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Program Inputs

|| Variable Name || Description||
| ND{~}SedPipeEntrance~ | Nominal diameter of entrance pipe to sedimentation tank |
| EN{~}PipeSpec~ | Enumerated type |
| ND{~}SedSludge~ | Sludge pipe diameter in sedimentation tank |
| L{~}Sed~ | Length of sedimentation tank |
| H{~}Sed~ | Height of sedimentation tank wall |
| W{~}Sed~ | Width of sedimentation tank |
| T{~}PlantWall~ | Thickness of tank wall of sedimentation tank |
| HW{~}Sed~ | Water depth of the sedimentation tank |
| T{~}Mp~ | Thickness of Main Platform |
| H{~}SedAbove~ | The height of water above the top of the plate settlers |
| L{~}SedInletOrifice~ |  |
| H{~}SedInletOrifice~ |  |
| T{~}SedInletSlope~ |  |
| N{~}SedInletSlope~ |  |
| AN{~}SedBottom~ | Sedimentation tank bottom slope |
| AN{~}SedSludgeBottom~ |  |
| ND{~}SedLaunder~ | Nominal diameter of launder |
| H{~}Channel~ | Inside height of channel from flocculation tank to sedimentation tanks |
| W{~}Channel~ | Width of channel between flocculation and sedimentation tank |
| T{~}ChannelWall~ | Thickness of channel wall |
| W{~}EChannel~ |  |
| H{~}EChannel~ |  |
| T{~}EChannelWall~ |  |
| H{~}SedBelow~ | The height of bottom of sedimentation tank to the bottom of the plate settlers |
| D{~}SedLaunderOrifice~ | Diameter of launder orifices |
| N{~}SedLaunderOrifice~ | Number of orifices in the sedimentation tank launder |
| B{~}SedLaunderOrifice~ | Spacing between orifices throughout the launder |
| N{~}SedTanks~ | Number of sedimentation tanks |
| D{~}SedSludgeOrifice~ | Diameter of orifices in sludge pipe |
| N{~}SedSludgeOrifice~ | Number of sludge orifices |
| B{~}SedSludgeOrifice~ | Orifice spacing in sedimentation tank draining |
| AN{~}SedPlate~ | Degree plate settlers are installed relative to the horizontal |
| Amp{~}SedPlate~ | Amplitude of curves in sedimentation tank lamina |
| T{~}SedPlate~ | Thickness of plate settlers |
| Per{~}SedPlate~ | Period of the curves for the plate settlers |
| N{~}SedPlateCol~ | Number of columns of plate settlers - always equals 1 |
| L{~}SedPlate~ | Length of plate settlers in the sedimentation tank |
| N{~}SedPlates~ | Number of plate settlers in sedimentation tank |
| B{~}SedPlate~ | Plate settler spacing in the sedimentation tank |
| lamina{~}y~ |  |
| L{~}ChannelInlet~ |  |
| W{~}ChannelInlet~ |  |
| tank{~}origin~ |  |
| S{~}SedInlet~ | Distance between the bottom of the sedimentation tank and the inlet pipes |

{excel:file=Design^Variable Naming Guide.xls|sheets=Sedimentation Tank InputsAutoCADSedimentationTankInputs}