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Wiki Markup
h3. General Program Information

{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!1b.bmp|width=280px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program][!1a.bmp|width=280px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
Free Rotation Used


h3. Input Definitions

h5. Inputs Needed to Call the Inlet Slope Function

origin - A 3*1 matrix with x,y,z positions corresponding to the point where the inlet slope will be drawn.
Length - length of the slopes, generally the widthlength of the sedimentation tank
Width - width of the slopes, generally the width of the sedimentation tank
l{~}orifice~ - length of the opening that will allow inlet flow
h{~}orifice~ - height of the opening that will allow inlet flow
thick - thickness of the slopes
n - number of orifices and sections, one section contains one orifice
bigslope - slope of the inlet in degrees

h5. Inputs Defined within the Inlet Slope Function

dim = 
*x: Length/2
*y: thick
*z: (Width/2)/cos(bigslope)

box{~}dim~ = origin + dim

orifice{~}origin~ = 
*x: origin{~}0~ + dim{~}0~/2 - 1l{~}orifice~/2
*y: origin{~}1~
*z: origin{~}2~

orifice{~}dim~ = 
*x: origin{~}0~ + dim{~}0~/2 + 1l{~}orifice~/2
*y: origin{~}1~ + dim{~}1~
*z: origin{~}2~ + h{~}orifice~

mirror{~}point1~ =
*x: origin{~}0~
*y: origin{~}1~

mirror{~}point2~ =
*x: origin{~}0~ + zc
*y: origin{~}1~

nrow = 1

ncol = n

dist =Length/n

win1 =
*x: origin{~}0~ - zc
*y: origin{~}1~ - zc
*z: origin{~}2~ - zc

win2 =
*x: origin{~}0~ + dim{~}0~ - zc
*y: origin{~}1~ + dim{~}1~ - zc
*z: origin{~}2~ + dim{~}2~ - zc

*Note:* zc corresponds to the zoom constant used within AutoCAD, defined by the basics file.

h3. Technical Program Outline

{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!2.bmp|width=380px480px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
Top View

*viewtop* \- sets the workspace so that the user is viewing the top of the object.

viewtop <-- viewtop
*zoom{*}{*}{~}win{~}*\- zooms on a window space directly around where the inlet slope is to be drawn.

zoom{~}win~ <--zoom {~}win~(win1, win2)

win1 =
*x: origin{~}0~ - zc
*y: origin{~}1~ - zc
*z: origin{~}2~ - zc

win2 =
*x: origin{~}0~ + dim{~}0~ - zc
*y: origin{~}1~ + dim{~}1~ - zc
*z: origin{~}2~ + dim{~}2~ - zc

{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!3.bmp|width=280px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
*box1* - draws a box that will be the slab of one section of the slope
box1 <-- box(origin, box{~}dim~)

origin = origin

box{~}dim~ = origin + dim

{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!4.bmp|width=380px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]

*box2* - draws a box that will be subtracted from the slab to become the orifice
box2 <-- box(orifice{~}origin~, orifice{~}dim~)

orifice{~}origin~ = 
*x: origin{~}0~ + dim{~}0~/2 - 1l{~}orifice~/2
*y: origin{~}1~
*z: origin{~}2~

orifice{~}dim~ = 
*x: origin{~}0~ + dim{~}0~/2 + 1l{~}orifice~/2
*y: origin{~}1~ + dim{~}1~
*z: origin{~}2~ + h{~}orifice~

{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!5a.bmp|width=180px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
Southeast Isometric View, Before subtract1
[!5b.bmp|width=180px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
Southeast Isometric View, After subtract1

*subtract1* - subtracts box2 to create an orifice, using the origin to select box1 as the object to be subtracted from, and using orifice{~}origin~ to select box2 as the object to be subtracted

subtract1 <-- subtractD(origin, orifice{~}origin~)

origin = origin

orifice{~}origin~ = 
*x: origin{~}0~ + dim{~}0~/2 - 1l{~}orifice~/2
*y: origin{~}1~
*z: origin{~}2~

{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!6a.bmp|width=280px180px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
Southeast Isometric View, Before array
[!66b.bmp|width=280px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
Southeast Isometric View, After array
[!6c.bmp|width=280px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
Top View, After array

*array* - replicates creates an array to replicate the pieceslab n times, by using the origin to select the slab as the item to put into an array, then specifies that a rectangular array with one row and "n" columns with a spacingdisplacement of "dist between each" is to be used to place the slabs one next to the other.

array <-- arrayB(origin, nrow, ncol, dist)

origin = origin

nrow = 1

ncol = n

dist =Length/n


{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!7.bmp|width=280px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
Southeast Isometric View

*union* - Unites all the individual components of the inlet slope to act as a single unit

union <-- union{~}allA~

{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!8.bmp|width=280px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
Free Rotation used to show rotation

*rotate* - rotates the inlet slope about the x-axis, with the origin as the pivot, 45 degrees. Information about the rotate3d function can be found in the [Basics Help Page|AutoCAD Basics Program].

rotate <-- rotate{~}3d~(origin, origin, "x", 45)

{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!9a.bmp|width=280px380px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
Top View, Before mirror
[!9b.bmp|width=280px380px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
Top View, After mirror
[!9c.bmp|width=280px!|AutoCAD Sedimentation Tank Inlet Slopes Program]
Free Rotation used

*mirror* - replicates the original inlet slope drawn by selecting the original inlet slope using the origin, then reflecting it over a mirror line created using  to give the slopemirror{~}point1~ and direction of the mirror linemirror{~}point2~.

mirror <-- mirror(origin, mirror{~}point1~, mirror{~}point2~)

origin = origin

mirror{~}point1~ =
*x: origin{~}0~
*y: origin{~}1~

mirror{~}point2~ =
*x: origin{~}0~ + zc
*y: origin{~}1~
