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Rebecca runs an alum dose test in the afternoon.  Alum dose was determined to be 10mg/L.  In the evening, Nara, Leah, Kevin, and Rebecca give an AguaClara presentation at the water treatment plant, demonstrating the pilot plant to the visitors.  Rebecca and Nara began another floc profile test.  Test was abandoned because incoming turbidities were very low (> 2 NTU) and floc formation was difficult (incoming turbidity approximately equal to outgoing turbidity).

May 6, 2008

Rebecca runs an alum dose test, and the optimal alum dose was determined to be 25 mg/L. Average incoming turbidity was 1.4 NTU.  Nara and Rebecca run a floc profile test.

May 8, 2008

Rebecca runs an alum dose test, and the optimal alum dose was again determined to be 25 mg/L.  Nara and Rebecca run a floc profile test.

May 9, 2008

Nara and Rebecca work on presentation.  Rebecca runs Leslie's model for Gtheta along flocculator profile.  Nara creates a graphic of the testing set-up.  Nara and Rebecca analyze data and update the wiki.