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  • origin is the center point of the outlet of the first sedimentation tank
  • width.sed width~sed~ is the distance between the outlets of the sedimentation tanks or the width of the sedimentation tanks from the center line of the wall on either side of a tank
  • lvltank.dim lvltank~dim~ is a 3,1 matrix with the x,y,z dimensions of the tank
  • Δ x is the distance in the x direction in a top view from the outlet of the first sedimentation tank (or the origin of the first pipe) to the outside wall of the leveling tank
  • Δ y is the distance in the y direction in a top view from the outlet of the first sedimentation tank (or the origin of the first pipe) to the outside wall of the leveling tank
  • Δ z is the distance in the z direction in a top view from the outlet of the first sedimentation tank (or the origin of the first pipe) to the bottom wall of the platform
  • lvltank.thick lvltank~thick~ is the thickness of the walls of the leveling tank
  • thick.platform thick~platform~ is the thickness of the platform
  • R1 is the inner radius of the pipes leading to the leveling tank
  • R.main R~main~ is the inner radius of the effluent pipe
  • H.main H~main~ is the height of the effluent pipe (or the water level in the leveling tank)
  • n is the number of sedimentation tanks
  • disp is the displacement of the center of the pipes coming up into the leveling tanks from the inside wall of the tank


Step by Step Description

The Sed.eff Sed~eff~ program is composed of three scripts. The program will run Sedeff.script1 when n is 3, Sedeff.script2 when n is 4 and Sedeff.script3 when n is 5. Because the most common number of sedimentation tanks is three, the output of Sedeff.script1 will be described below.
