Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1.  Display the appropriate Holdings record for the piece in hand:
    1. For single-part monographs being withdrawn, check the box to SUPPRESS FROM DISCOVERY.    
    2. For Multi-part monographs and serials, suppress the Holdings ONLY if withdrawing all of the pieces.  Do NOT to suppress the Instance or Holdings records if any volumes will still be held in the collection.
    3. In the Holdings Notes, with Note Type: Note, enter "WITHDRAWN", and a short parenthetical note stating the reason, if available (e.g. lost, damaged, missing, deselected, duplicate, replaced by preservation photocopy, replaced by digitized copy, etc.), plus the date and your netID. Make sure to click the "Staff only" box :


      • Other possible Possible reasons for withdrawal:
        • Lost/Missing
        • DamagedDeselected 
        • Replaced by Preservation Photocopy
        • Deselected

      d. When withdrawing only certain parts of a multipart monograph or serial, add specific information in the above Holdings note on which parts are being withdrawn, and why.


      3.  If the part(s) being withdrawn are is accompanying material that is included in the bibliographic description for the title (such as supplements e.g. supplements, CDs, or maps in a pocket), specify this info in the above Holdings Note:   

      • Example:  "Vol. 3 and accompanying maps WITHDRAWN (MISSING) 9/3/21 bmt1"

     4.  If you are withdrawing only certain parts or supplements from the Holdings, Edit the appropriate Holdings Statement(s) to reflect ONLY those holdings parts that are retained.       5.  If you If you are withdrawing all parts of a multipart monograph set or serial, however, retain leave the Holdings Statement information as is.


     1.  If you have the physical pieces in hand, stamp them "Withdrawn From CUL"

    • For books, the stamp can go on the inside front or back cover, title page, verso, or some combination of the above.

     2.   Route the withdrawn, stamped pieces as follows: 


  1. State-supported library: If any CUL state-supported library is withdrawing material, there may be additional requirements during the withdrawal process:
    1. The withdrawing library will:
      • Create a list of material for withdrawal.
      • Post list to SUNY listserv   SUNYLA-L@LISTSERV.BINGHAMTON.EDU offering material for quick disposal to other SUNY libraries.
      • Specify last date responses will be accepted.
      • Take responses and tag material for shipping to designated libraries using UPS call tag.
      • Obtain shipping and delivery information from requesting library. Shipping costs will be borne by the requesting library.
      • Send materials to LTS Database Quality staff for withdrawal, along with shipping information as appropriate. 
    2. Technical Services/DBQ staff, if requested, will
      • Receive material for withdrawal (DBQ).
      • Update records in FOLIO for withdrawn titles (DBQ)., consulting the Automation Team for high quantities (see Batch Withdrawals section above)
      • Ship requested material to designated library (Gifts or DBQ (formerly an Exchange arrangement)).
      • Discard remaining volumes in accordance with CUL's withdrawal policies (DBQ).
      • Work with library accounting to collect shipping fees, if necessary (N/A with UPS call tag).
  2. Withdrawal requests from publishers: 
    1. When LTS is informed that a publisher has asked CUL to withdraw or destroy a particular title (usually because of due to controversial or erroneous content), but that request has been refused, add the following note to the Instance Notes field of the Instance record (Note type: General Note).  Make sure the "Staff Only" box is NOT checked:


  • If the transfer is going to Rare Annex (rmc,anx) or any of the "ranx" sublocations, follow the  Rare Annex (9a) instructions below.
  • If the transfer involves superseded editions or volumes, see also title is a serial: 
    • Check
    Secion V "Final Steps"below.If the title is a serial, check
    • for and report an open purchase order to the Serials Unit
    • , to make sure
    • new issues are processed for the correct location.
    See Additional Instructions for Serials below.
  • If the title resource has a "Pamphlet" call number, or other non-LC classification, consult call number, such as "Pamphlet..." consult with the Cataloging supervisor about whether it can go to the new location as-is, or whether it needs to be re-cataloged/re-marked with a new call number.

If the physical piece(s)resource-in-hand does not fit the conditions above, or has been cleared by the appropriate staff, proceed to the following steps:


  1.  Display the Instance Record
    1.  Make sure the record is NOT suppressed in the database.  If it is suppressed, uncheck the Suppress from Discovery box. 
    2.  Enter an Administrative note for transfers using the format: date:yyyymmdd ttype:t userid:[netid] ploc:lts 
      • NOTE: The macro for this is ,,t
  2.  Save the Instance Record
  3.  Display the Holdings record that matches the old location and copy number of the title and edition in hand.  If there is any discrepancy between the piece and its records, consult with the DBQ supervisor.
    1.  Make sure the record is NOT suppressed in the database.  If it is suppressed, uncheck the Suppress from Discovery box. 
    2.  Change the Permanent Location field to the new location.  
    3.  If needed, add an appropriate copy number in the Holdings record.  You will need to add the copy number to the written call number in the piece as well.
    4. Add a Holdings Note (with Note type: Noteshowing which collection the piece originally came from, and the date it was transferred, plus NetID (for single-part, see example 1 below).  "Staff only" box should be checked. 
      • For multi-part transfers of volumes, and/or supplements, note specific pieces as appropriate in the Holdings Note (see example 2). 

Example 1:Image Modified






Image Modified

** Exception: Not all transfers to the Annex will get Holdings notes, as largelarger-scale transfer projects and book-moves can make it burdensome to add notes to every Holdings record.  LTS staff should add the notes for reasonable amounts of manual transfers whenever possible, however, as the maintenance history of a title can be useful in the future.


  1. Display Instance record.
    1. Add the Administrative note for Transfers as described above (use the macro ,,t, but as with Withdrawals, add "pcs:" to the end, showing how many were transferred)
    2. Save the Instance.
  2. Display the holdings record that matches the old location and copy number of the title and edition in hand.
    1. Delete the volumes and/or numbers to be transferred from the original Holdings statements, INCLUDING supplements and indexes, if applicable.
    2. Save changes to original Holdings record. 
  3. Display the holdings record that matches the NEW (destination) location and copy number. If there is no holdings record for the new location, skip to step 6 below.
    1. Verify that the destination Holdings record is not suppressed from discovery. If it is, UN-CHECK the "Suppress from Discovery" box.
    2. Add the appropriate "Transfer From" note to the Holdings Notes of the destination record (Note type: Note), as in the above example 2, noting which volumes were transferred. (e.g. "Vols. 3 and 4 transferred from Echols Ref. 3/9/2015 pca1")
  4.  Add the volumes and/or numbers being transferred to the appropriate Holdings Statements of the destination Holdings record, including supplements and indexes as applicable. (this is the info deleted from the original holdings statements)
  5.  Save the destination Holdings.
  6. If there is no holdings record for the new location and copy number (including ANX locations, if you are transferring items to the Annex), create and edit a New Holdings. Be sure to:
    1. Add the appropriate information to the Holdings Type and new Permanent Location fields. 
    2. Check the Oversize Chart for prefixes and/or suffixes appropriate for the new location, and add them as necessary.
    3. Search FOLIO to verify that the old call number is not already in use for the new location. If it is already in use, add a w suffix to the last cutter in the call number, or consult with a cataloger or DBQ staff.
    4. Add an appropriate transfer note, with volume numbers, to the Holdings note, as in the above example.
    5. Include appropriate Holdings statements for the newly-transferred volumes, supplements and/or indexes as appropriate.
  7. Save the New Holdings Record.
  8. Relink the item records for the pieces in hand, from the original holdings to the new (destination) holdings.  After re-linking,
    1. Display each re-linked item record. 
    2. Change Permanent Location field to match the new Holdings record, as for single-part and complete sets, described above.
    3. Edit the Permanent Loan Type, if appropriate -- for example: when transferring a title to or from a "Non-Circulating" collection, such as Reference or Rare Annex.

V. Final Steps  

  1. Line out all previous location stamps on the piece in-hand -- (see exception below)hand.
  2. Edit handwritten locations, copy numbers, Oversize information and/or call numbers in the piece   -- (see exception below).the piece as appropriate.
  3. For monographs: Send the items to the Physical Processing unit for re-labeling and routing to the new location. 
  4. For serials:
    1. If you know that the new location is picking up an open subscription from the old location, write "Ongoing, currently received" on the location flyer.
    2. In addition, for For unbound issues not barcoded separately, give recent issues (as displayed in the OPAC) to LTS Serials or Documents for further processing.
    3. If the transfers are computer diskssound recordings, or video recordings, do additional processing if required for the new location.  Consult with a cataloger or Serials staff as needed.
    4. Insert a location flyer and place completed transfers on the appropriate shelf in 110 Olin.
    5. Superseded editions or volumes:add a Holdings Note (Note type: Note) to holdings records to indicate the treatment of these "ongoing" transfers (e.g. "Latest vol. in Reference"). Leave the Staff Only box Unchecked.


       4.  Send the items to the Physical Processing unit for re-labeling and routing to the appropriate location.   



C. Reinstatements
