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For batch withdrawals of single volume monographs, a text file or Excel spreadsheet of barcodes of records to be withdrawn are sent to the Automation team. The list should have more than 25 entries. Lists of fewer than 25 entries will be processed manually by DBQ staff.

The batch withdrawal process is as follows:

  1. Text file or Excel spreadsheet is imported into DBeaver LDP and a separate table of the barcodes is created.
  2. A query, (or queries), is performed on the newly created table of barcodes. This is to acquire specific data needed to perform the batch withdrawal process. The primary data necessary to complete a batch withdrawal are the instance UUIDs, holdings UUIDs and the item UUIDs.
  3. Once item UUIDs are acquired, item records are deleted by means of a Perl or Python script.
  4. Utilizing the holdings UUIDs and a Perl or Python script involving the the Folio API, all holding work will be completed. This would include adding the withdrawal note in the holdings note, the transaction data note and the suppression of the holdings. Examples of withdrawal notes: Withdrawn (lost/missing) 3/12/20, netid or Withdrawn (dupe-deselected) 3/12/20, netid.
  5. If the holdings being withdrawn is the last CUL copy, the MARC bibliographic record will need to be suppressed.
  6. The corresponding instance UUIDs for the bibliographic MARC bibs will be used when implementing a Perl or Python script utilizing the Folio API to suppress the instance, if there are no other holdings attached with circulating material. The instance will not be suppressed if there is a valid holdings attached with circulating material.
  7. Spot check a few records in Blacklight to see if modifications have taken affect.
  8. Develop and run query in Dbeaver to verify bibliographic records of last CUL copy are suppressed and that all withdrawn holdings are suppressed and the items deleted.


3.  Display Item record. (After making and saving the appropriate changes to the Instance and Holdings)  

    1. Change Permanent Location field to match the newly-changed location in the holdings record.
    2. Edit the Permanent LoanType, if appropriate -- e.g.: when transferring a title to or from a "Non-Circulating" reference collection. If you are transferring a title to a (Rare Annex #12a) location (e.g. "rmc,anx"), set the Item Type to "Non-Circulating". (NOTE: These are the only Annex locations for which the Item Type should be set to "Non-Circulating")
    3. If the item status is checked out, missing, lost, etc., consult with the DBQ supervisor, or check the piece in to change the status to "Available".
    4.  Save the Item record
    5.  Repeat the above steps for each item record associated with the transfer. 


III. Partial Multipart Item Transfers  

  1. In the Display Instance record, add .
    1. Add the Administrative note for Transfers as described above (
    best to
    1. use the macro ,,t, but as with Withdrawals, add "pcs:" to the end, showing how many were transferred
    1. Save the Instance.
  2. Display the holdings record that matches the old location and copy number of the title and edition in hand.
    1. Delete the volumes and/or numbers to be transferred from the original Holdings statements, INCLUDING supplements and indexes, if applicable.
    2. Save changes to original Holdings record. 
  3. Display the holdings record that matches the NEW (destination) location and copy number. If there is no holdings record for the new location, skip to step 10 6 below.
    1. Verify that the destination Holdings record is not suppressed from discovery. If it is, UN-CHECK the "Suppress from Discovery" box.
    2. Add the appropriate "Transfer From" note to the Holdings Notes of the destination record (Note type: Note), as in the above example, but note which volumes were transferred. (e.g. "Vols. 3 and 4 transferred from Echols Ref.")
  4. Add  Add the volumes and/or numbers to be transferred to the appropriate Holdings Statements Statements of the destination Holdings record, including supplements and indexes as applicable. (this is the info deleted from the original holdings statements)
  5.  Save the destination Holdings.
  6. If there is no holdings record for the new location and copy number (including ANX locations, if you are transferring items to the Annex), create and edit onea New Holdings. Be sure to:
    1. Add the appropriate information to the Holdings Type and Permanent Location fields. 
    2. Check the Oversize Chart for prefixes and/or suffixes appropriate for the new location, and add them as necessary.
    3. Search FOLIO to verify that the old call number is not already in use for the new location. If it is already in use, add a w suffix to the last cutter in the call number, or consult with a cataloger or DBQ staff.
    4. Add an appropriate transfer note, with volume numbers, to the Holdings note, as in the above example.
    5. Include appropriate Holdings statements for newly-transferred volumes, supplements and indexes as appropriate.

IV.  Item Records

Single Part Item and Complete Multipart Item Transfers  

a.  Display Item record. (After making and saving the appropriate changes to the Instance and Holdings) 

b.  Change Permanent Location field to match the newly-changed location in the holdings record.


  1. Save the New Holdings Record.

    Relink the item records for the pieces in hand, from the original holdings to the new (destination) holdings.

    b.  Display each item record.

    c.  Change Permanent Location to match the new Holdings record, as for single-part and complete sets, described above.

    d.  Edit the Permanent Loan Type, if appropriate -- for example: when transferring a title to or from a "Non-Circulating" reference collection. If you are transferring a title to a (Rare Annex #12a) location (e.g. "rmc,anx"), set the Item Type to "Non-Circulating". (NOTE: These are the only Annex locations for which the Item Type should be set to "Non-Circulating")

e. If the item status is checked out, missing, lost, etc., use consult with the DBQ supervisor, or check the piece in to change the status to "Available".

f.  Save the Item record

g. Repeat the above steps for each item record associated with the transfer. 


Partial Multipart Item Transfers  

IV.  Item Records

Single Part Item and Complete Multipart Item Transfers  

a.  Display Item record. (After making and saving the appropriate changes to the Instance and Holdings) 

b.  Change Permanent Location field to match the newly-changed location in the holdings a.  Relink the item records for the pieces in hand, from the original holdings to the new (destination) holdings.b.  Display each item record.

c.  Change Permanent Location to match the new Holdings record, as for single-part and complete sets, described above.d.  Edit the Permanent Loan Edit the Permanent Loan Type, if appropriate -- for example: when transferring a title to or from a "Non-Circulating" reference collection. If you are transferring a title to a (Rare Annex #12a) location (e.g. "rmc,anx"), set the Item Type to "Non-Circulating". (NOTE: These are the only Annex locations for which the Item Type should be set to "Non-Circulating")

e. If the item status is checked out, missing, lost, etc., use consult with the DBQ supervisor, or check the piece in to change the status to "Available".

f.  Save the Item record

g. Repeat the above steps for each item record associated with the transfer. 


Partial Multipart Item Transfers  


V. Final Steps  

  1. Line out all previous location stamps -- (see exception below).
  2. Edit handwritten locations and call numbers in the book -- (see exception below).
  3. For serials, if you know that the new location is picking up an open subscription from the old location, write "Ongoing, currently received" on the location flyer. In addition, for unbound issues not barcoded separately, give recent issues (as displayed in the OPAC) to LTS Serials or Documents for further processing.
    If the transfers are
    computer disks , sound recordings   , or video recordings  , do additional processing if required for the new location.  Consult with a cataloger as needed.
    Exception: for unbound serials not barcoded separately, edit only the first and last issue in each bundle.
    Insert a location flyer and place completed transfers on the appropriate shelf (#12a) .
  4. Send the items to the Physical Processing unit for re-labeling and routing to the appropriate location. 
