Wendy Kozlowski, Deborah Cooper, Steve Folsom, Michelle Paolillo, Simeon Warner, Tre Berney, Jean Pajerek, Peter Hook, Dean Krafft, Gail Steinhart (notes), Sandy Payette, Jenn Colt, Jason Kovari, Erin Faulder
Background - Discussion of RepoExec members survey fall 2018
- Purpose: identify high level priorities with respect to CUL's repositories
- Survey intended to prompt thinking in advance and seed discussion, and not the final word
- Focus on the ideas and not the details of implementation
- Some items require major investment of resources, others don't- do we treat them the same way? Do we entertain a notion of ROI for addressing this? Especially with respect to A, B, D (related: A is the problems at hand, B and D are some possible approaches).
- Sandy and Anne's analysis is also looking at most urgent issues, some overlap. Note multiple views: IT, access function, RepoExec.
- Several issues further down the list follow from A.
- Is there anything people would like to add?
- Research data responsibilities at Cornell