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So far, the PR team has designed a couple preliminary designs that give the general idea of what the merchandise will look like. Members of the PR team have called custom clothing distributors and have asked for design help and arrangements for a large team purchase. Most distributors will only accept a purchase as long as there are more than 35+ of merchandise being bought. The PR team has more designs being completed and will expect to be done and ready to order late October. The survey to the team was sent out and the results are in. The survey allowed the PR team to organize everyone's response with their Name, NetID, and Size. As you can see in the figure below, the quarterzip and long sleeve shirt design has gotten the majority of the votes, the Long Sleeve Shirt was a close second, and the Baseball Tee was last. 



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Next Steps of the Project

After the surveys are sent out and the results come in, the PR team will finalize the design for the most voted on clothing. Then a member in the PR team will call the custom clothing distributor to check logistics (pricing, shipping fee, design layout, and quantity). After the logistics and design are finalized, the PR team will place an order for everyone in the AguaClara team that has ordered merchandise. The survey got 37 responses, which breaks most distributor's minimum of 35 orders. The PR team called several different distributors to compare logistics and designs (HoundstoothPress and CustomInk). To contact these distributors, the links are and The finalized designs are still on the way and will be shown to the Aguaclara Team through another survey to choose the best design. The objective of the PR team is to be as transparent and as involved with the team as possible, by getting their opinions and ideas for the merchandise. In the survey, many team members expressed their interest in getting hats as well as stickers for merchandise, see figure below. The PR team needs to solidify the logistics for merchandise so that collecting money from the team members is a smooth transaction. Also, the PR team needs to order the merchandise before classes end for the Fall Semester. 


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Any Problems Currently Being Faced
