Versions Compared


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August 24, 2016 at 10 am in Olin 703

In attendance:

Tre, Mira, Susette, Karl, Jen, Boris, Marsha, Eirva

+ Quick overview of image repositories for our digital assets (Marsha)

+ Update on AV initiative (Tre)

+ Brainstorming about digital collections promotion-- New strategies (All)

+ Discussion of online learning modules from professional organizations (Marsha)

Flickr updates: Small group (Melissa, Dianne, Mira and Eirva) to review policy and check all collections before moving eCommons to Flickr. Mira made a spreadsheet to check with stakeholders (like Liz). Divine Comedy will go to Flickr, and huge collection of African American photographs to be moved to Flickr (2011 A&S grant), Billie Jean Isobel collection could go in (collections already in Shared Shelf) and two Kheel collections. Compare Flickr to Shared Shelf Commons (who is keeping the statistics for Shared Shelf?). Easier to move ShSh to Flickr because the metadata is easier to export and we have tier 4 images. Mira thinks that we should step back from work because the images are in ShSh, Artstor and Digital Collections Portal.Documentation of which collections are where – helpful for VRHELP-L. Eirva suggested linking Flickr collections to the portal if it is going to be our main repository. More links to the portal will help with Google results. Migrate RMC images from old website to new one and make sure that the links work. BibID should have some knowledge. Flickr is not expensive to maintain, except in terms of staff costs.

Spreadsheet of all ShSh collections – Could Mira add this to our documentation.

Flickr as an outreach tool to bring people to the rest of our resources to ShSh


+Tre and Marsha to discuss the documentation with Mira when she has compiled our list

+Have one meeting per year to review statistics as part of VRWG mandate (ask Jason how to get information from Shared Shelf Commons – statistics)

+Add Artstor in the notes field of Count-It and make sure to add VRWG questions to Count-It (brainstorm better tracking) – Add a counter to VRHELP-L


AV Initiative: Trying to edit down document to make an internal document and one that can be shared with the community (only 3 research libraries that are doing anything like this). AV grants prioritized rather than being an annual granting process. Want to remove overhead. Tre asks for a new 1/2 time person for 18 months to create a task force and gather metadata. Application deadline for preservation grants is September 1. OAIS presevation model – we are moving towards one. Increase of money to get a person to prep the material and then the same amount of money to support the next 3-5 years.

June 15, 2016 at 11 am in Olin 702
