My name is Erika Axe. I am currently a sophomore undergraduate in Environmental Engineering Science & Sustainability within the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences here at Cornell.
As of the Spring of 2016, I am the co-head for the Public Relations Team in AguaClara with my partner Rachelle Ng. Responsibilities and tasks for this semester include organizing team events, recruitment, SAFC budget application, writing and publishing AguaClara newsletters, publicity, apparel and poster design, social media administration, fundraising, networking, facilitating team collaboration, and for being a public team representative
In the Fall of 2015, I am was the co-head for the Public Relations Head for Team in AguaClara. My Past work for this that semester includes organizing team events, recruitment, publicity, apparel and poster design, social media administration, fundraising, networking, facilitating team collaboration, and for being a public team representative.
In the Spring of 2015, I was the co-head of for the Public Relations for the Team in AguaClara with my partner Bridget Cheng. Past work has included creating competition videos, merchandise sales, team representation, event planning, social media coordination, etc.