- Tobi-consultation area; using hours service to show availability and Nick putting in LCD display once Tobi has hours input; Tobi will ask Tom to give Nick access to EGA calendars
In future - want to display expertise of people on for the day and ability to book right there (or online) for consultation
Library services (mannservices.mannlib.cornell.edu/LibServices): locations (2 or 2 and half dozen locations: Mann and other libraries), hours, equipment & laptops, study rooms (connections to Voyager), VIVO data, course reserves; LibCal data filtered through here (data conversion); software list and staff directory are defunct. Load balancing so we don’t take down Voyager. Old so looking at replacement over time.
MRBS (events): no API so data extract into Library Services
Matt: Digitalsignage.com (looks like it might do what we need it to do but problem with switching campaigns-possible refresh setting/ reboot issue or linked to Nick’s iPad); Matt setting up generic username and password and will send to everybody; Mann will keep playing and set up more deivces and capmaigns and let us know
All displays available at signage.mannlib.cornell.edu (circdisplay, bissettdisplay, b30display, reservabledisplay/onebuttonstudio, reservabledisplay/interview, reservabledisplay/rm282)
Can make a reservation from iPad/online signage
Problem with kiosk mode (update issue?); Matt investigating