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Review reminders for the specific month.

  • And complete any left over from previous month(s).

See below section, "Annual actions or reminders, by month".

Invoicing to department groups, including faculty.ChemIT's billing to faculty
Remedy ticket countsRemedy snapshot of current tickets
Review ticket-related remindersSee below section, "Ticket-related reminders with future dates/ triggers".

Look over every ticket a month old and older and ensure there is a pertinent "next step" written in the Work Detail tab.

  • Ask client for status report if awaiting their action, as appropriate.

For more complete instructions and motivations, see section "Review & Additional follow up" at Remedy.

Review at the Thursday Group meeting, first one of the month. (Started 4/9/15.)

ChemIT newsletter

OR: Specify months, if not monthly

ChemIT newsletter
Stockroom: Verify backups are happening


Files generated by QuickBooks, on exit. Check for recent date-stamps.

Quarterly (which months?): Review training and certification progress, accomplishments, and intentions.

  • Refresh plan, as appropriate.
CompTIA certification, training, and related

Annual actions or reminders, by month

August Fall semester starts
AugustRenew Dreamspark, when due every 3 yearsExpires on 8/31/2016 (as of 12/2014)
SeptemberUpdate Dreamspark CCB user list, to expire 10/15 (8:00AM) of each year (our choice).

Include Faculty, Students (grads only), and Staff (PDA's, but not most CCB staff)


Review which email lists we are on. Clarify any designated responsibilities to each other, if any.

What are expectations regarding whose reading what?

Our lists are parked in a MS Excel file, "ChemIT staff and email lists", located on ChemIT's file server:

R:\Chem IT\IT Support

May/ June?

License renewal counts and reminders.

  • Coordinate with CIT's announcements?

Specify licenses and expiration dates. Ex:

ChemDraw expires each July.

Process idea: Use web form; compile info centrally.


ACL exceptions review

ID Finder (if not this month, when?)

ACL: Martin (Hoffmann, Sol), done 6/14 and 11/14.

Annual staff performance dialogue (review) process begins.

  • For February YR1 - January YR2
Mid-FebFaculty hires. Determine if any, and investigate so as to prepare for their arrival, as appropriate. 
March, end ofComplete staff performance dialogue (review) process. 

Spring. Specify months

(per cluster, if more than one month total)

Cluster and other HPC computers: Planning, learn of anticipated changes. 
MarchClusters and other HPC computers: Verify accounts on cluster and other HPC computers.Ensure folks need access accounts on each system.
Late March or early AprilSummer student employee recruitmentStudent hiring
May, into the summer

Inventory check-up (do every other year? Last started Summer 2014, and took ~9 mos!)

  • For billing true-up
  • For h/w lifecycles

Hardware lifecycle reviews: (how orchestrate, if not done ad hoc?)

  • Dept (CCB, Physics)
  • Research groups?
