Oliver got great customer service from DriveSavers.
Tip, if using DriveSavers
Ask if they are prepared to cut you a special deal if you are willing to wait 2-3 weeks (10-15 work days vs. 5-7 work days) for a turn-around. On 8/21/14, they offered us this deal to cut the cost of a recovery by $500 (from ~$2,000).
- The extra large time window gives their engineers a catch-as-catch-can approach, as they deal with 80-100 shipments/ day. And when it's slow, they can apparently offer this "hidden" promotion.
Work situations so far (data points)
The following instances gave us experience with their customer service, but we never followed through with the data recovery:
- 2nd instance: Singe external , 8/2014: External USB drive failed, and user had not backup, per se for information he felt was valuable. The first quote was ~$700-2,300. When they got the drive, it was in the ~$2K range. User didn't want to do that, so drive sent back, all at no cost to us.
- If you ask them to provide a drive to send your data back (instead of providing one to them yourself), they charge $109 for a 1TB external USB hard drive
- 1st instance (~Fall 2013?): We ended up not using the service in one complicated instance (Multiple drives with h/w RAID). They helped us determine if we wanted to recover a hard drive based on likely price, outcomes, and our fall-back.
Info on DriveSavers
Other info about DataSavers
This service is also used by The Computing Center.