Stephen Jacobs's Individual Contribution Page
Fall 2013 Contributions
This semester, I was on the Turbulent Tube Flocculator team. Our focus is on setting up a system to control the flow of water for the flocculator, finalizing and adding to the flocculator design from the summer semester, building the flocculator, and eventually running initial tests to confirm optimal parameters.
Spring 2014 Contributions
As a member of the Turbulent Tube and Fluidized Bed Flocculator, I will continue to refine the lab-scale flocculator made during the first semester, while gaining the additional task of constructing a fluidized floc bed. Through researching fluidized bed flocculators, we are hoping to determine whether what sand grain size will contribute best to the creation of floc and if this model is more efficient than our lab-scale flocculator.