Floating Flocs Meeting Minutes
Spring 2009 Minutes
April 10, 2009
Working Group: Sand Filter
- Wrote meeting minutes
- Built and connected the bubble collector container
- Reconfigure the Sand Filter Diagram; see Figure
- Performed the sugar test
- Attached the water level indicator to paper with red tape to make water level more visible
- Reprogram process Controller: add a pressure sensor, two more values: one for air and the other for water out.
- Perform sugar test to confirm that the dissolved oxygen has been stripped out of the water.
- The Bubble Collector Container is air tight. We tested it by placing the whole container with air into a sink full of water. No air bubble leak out of the container.
- Sugar test: tiny bubbles formed in tap water (supersaturated) when sugar was added.
- Need to collect lots of data and test grain sizes
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