- x: PlantOrigin0
- y: PlantOrigin1
- z: PlantOrigin2 + outerdiameter(NDSedSludge)
*pipe1* \ - Calls the \ [Pipe Program\|AutoCad Pipe Program to draw a pipe. Wiki Markup
pipe1 <- Pipe(sedtankinletpipe1origin,NDSedPipeEntrance,-sedtankinletpipelength,ENPipeSpec)
ENPipeSpec = The enumerated pipe schedule type. Each schedule of pipe is represented by a specific number within our code.unmigrated-wiki-markup
*pipe2* \ - Calls the \ [Pipe Program\|AutoCad Pipe Program to draw a pipe.
pipe2 <- Pipe(sedtankinletpipe2origin,NDSedPipeEntrance,-sedtankinletpipelength~,ENPipeSpec)