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SIMULATION: ANSYS WB - Flow over an Airfoil - Panel
SIMULATION: ANSYS WB - Flow over an Airfoil - Panel
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Download the Airfoil Coordinates

In this step, we will import the coordinates of the airfoil and create the geometry we will use for the simulation. Begin by downloading this file here and saving it somewhere convenient. This file contains the points of a NACA 0012 airfoil.

Launch Design Modeler

Before we launch the design modeler, we need to specify the problem as a 2D problem. Right click and select Properties. In the Properties of Schematic A2: Geometry Window, select Analysis Type > 2D. Now, double click to launch the Design Modeler. When prompted, select Meters as the unit of measurement.


First, we will create the geometry of the airfoil. In the menu bar, go to Concept > 3D Curve. In the Details View window, click Coordinates File and select the ellipsis to browse to a file. Browse to and select the geometry file you downloaded earlier. Once you have selected the desired geometry file, click to create the curve. Click to get a better look at the curve.


Next, we need to create a surface from the curve we just generated. Go to Concepts > Surfaces from Edges. Click anywhere on the curve you just created, and select Edges > Apply in the Details View Window. Click to create the surface.

Create C-Mesh Domain

Now that the airfoil has been generated, we need to create the meshable surface we will use once we begin to specify boundary conditions. We will begin by creating a coordinate system at the tail of the airfoil - this will help us create the geometry for the C-mesh domain. Click to create a new coordinate system. In the Details View window, select Type > From Coordinates. For FD11, Point X, enter 1.



Selecting the Airfoil Body
Because the C-Mesh domain and the airfoil overlap, once you click in the vicinity of the airfoil ANSYS will select the C-Mesh domain but give you the option of selecting multiple layers

Select the layer that corresponds to the airfoil and the airfoil will be highlighted.

Create Quadrants

In the final step of creating the geometry, we will break up the new surface into 4 quadrants; this will be useful for when we want to mesh the geometry. To begin, select Plane 4 in the Tree Outline Window, and click . Open the sketching menu, and select . Draw a line on the vertical axis that intersects the entire C mesh. Trim away the lines that are beyond the C-Mesh, and you should be left with this:


The geometry is finished. Save the project and close the design modeler, as we are now we are ready to create the mesh for the simulation.

Continue Go to Step 3 - Mesh

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