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October 29, 2012




  • Announcements and updates
  • VRHELP-L email form

August 6, 2012

In attendance: Marsha, Susette, Boris, Kaila
Olin 106, 10am




  • Announcements and Updates
    • new faculty packets
    • FAL web site
  • Distribution of bookmarks!
    • orientation events: Kaila will contact R&O
    • public service desks: Olin & Uris, Maps/Media, FAL, Mann, 
    • new faculty packets
  • Vrhelp-l promotion; create form?
    • Media web site (Boris)
    • VRWG minutes
    • LibGuides image of bookmark (Susette)
    • Form: (Susette will try to make a mock up)
      • types of help: technical (scanning); equipment; permissions; RMC reproductions; image research; multimedia; instruction support; image database help (ARTstor, Luna, etc.)
      • elements: name, email, status, question (free text); type: "what kind of help do you need?" (drop-down menu)
  • visual resources brown-bag series (Marsh and Kaila)
    • Visual Media Brown Bag series
    • September: Image-tastic LibGuides (Marsha and Kaila)
    • October or November: LOL Augmented Reality
    • October or November: Image copyright and permissions (Peter Hirtle)
    • November or December: Kaltura launch (Jason and Danielle)
    • March: Data Visualization (Kathy and Marsha)
    • Spring: Designing Effective Presentations ... another part could be about creating print materials (Carla) 
    • More ideas:
      • creating posters (Maureen and Mann)
      • exhibits
      • camera as scanner
      • image editing
      • multimedia databases overview (team taught): how you search for them; technical; sample of some big resources; also open beyond youtube
      • Kaltura
      • Google Maps and Google Earth (Boris)
      • Personal Digital Archiving focused on images (Danielle)
      • Unexpected Images (Susette)
  • Add Marsha as admin to Finding Images libguide


In attendance: Susette Newberry, Marsha Taichman, Kaila Bussert, Boris Michev, Martha Walker
10-11am, Olin 106




  • Announcements / Updates
    • Inside Scoop for graduate students will be Sept. 13, 5-6:30pm at Mann. 
      • GIS and Visual Resources booths
      • publicize to AAP grad students
      • prepare slide-show of images for Visual Resources booth
  • Bookmark status
    • Marsha will email Carla about status
  • Suggestion from Peter Hirtle:
    • Wikimedia is listed on the Find Images libguide; ran out of time to discuss this further
      From Peter: Wikimedia Commons has been adding lots of images.  I wonder if a NERF for it should be created and/or it should be added to the list of image databases? Walters Museum uploads 19,000 photos to Wikimedia Commons — Wikimedia blog. The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland, has donated more than 19,000 freely-licensed images of artworks to Wikimedia Commons. The Walters' collection includes ancient art, medieval art and manuscripts, decorative objects, Asian art and Old Master and 19th-century paintings. The images and their associated information will join our collection of more than 12 million freely usable media files, which serves as the repository for the 285 language editions of Wikipedia. 
  • Re-cap of issues from vrhelp reference questions
    • Overall, the listserv is working well. If any issues come up, we will discuss as a group. It was agreed that we would like Liz Muller to be on the listserv since there are many questions for RMC. Kaila will ask Liz. Update: Liz would like us to email the appropriate RMC lists for questions about reproductions and copyright. 
  • Post ACRL Immersion goals for visual resources/visual literacy instruction
    • Offering information/training workshops/forums for CUL instruction and reference librarians (e.g. Citing images and visual media; showcase of new visual resources and how they can be used, etc.). 
      • We could gather input from colleagues at various venues: R&O Forum, department meetings, etc.
      • Look at Count It data for image related questions
      • Marsh and Kaila will work on a plan.
    • VRWG and Museum collaboration on visual literacy concepts. 
      • Provenance workshop
      • Visual Literacy Standards workshop?
    • Mapping the curriculum for visual literacy?
    • Integrate the visual into CUL instruction request form? e.g. ask if there is a presentation component and use of multimedia in the course?
  • Discussion of VRWG sponsored informational talks 
    • discussed above
  • Susette receives new faculty list from Arts & Sciences and Society for the Humanities. Marsha and Martha should request for AAP.
  • Martha is thinking about ways to advertise the visual resource, Archvision. She will keep the group informed of her efforts.


In attendance: Susette Newberry, Marsha Taichman, Kaila Bussert
1-2pm, Olin 106




  • Announcements / Updates
    • AskArt trial -- give feedback to Susette before April 30
    • Other resources for art auctions? Susette working on libguide
    • VR Budget meeting on May 7
    • Image Databases list cleaned up 
      • New collections to add: Archvision, Scholars Resource 2 (Susette will e-nerf), Amica Library
  • Public Services ideas from ARLIS and VRA?
    • Interest from colleague at Colgate to develop a Visual Literacy conference in upstate NY which Cornell could host
    • Visual Literacy training here
    • Electronic Arts Initiative at Princeton
  • Promotion materials
    • We agreed to create a bookmark publicizing vrhelp-l  for image questions. 
    • Audience: students (undergrads and grads)
    • Content: 
      • One side would feature URL and
      • Other side would list Image Questions? in big type, and then list services (Research, Scanning, Citing, Using, Copyright) as well as image categories (maps, plans, photos, videos, archival collections, visualizations, art, architecture, and more... )
    • Marsha will send content text to Susette
    • Susette will ask Carla about $ for 500 bookmarks and if we can get on her schedule; ask Janet about funding
  • Fall Orientation events recap
  • Cancel May meeting due to CUL Immersion. Next meeting June 18.


In attendance: Susette Newberry, Marsha Taichman, Kaila Bussert
10-11am, Olin 603




  • Discussion on mission and goals of group
  • Members: Susette, Marsha, and Kaila. Boris will join us in the summer.
  • Sub-group leader: For now, Kaila will set up meeting times and agenda items on the wiki.
  • Meeting times: We agreed to meet once per month through the summer. We may decide to meet every other month in the fall.
  • Ideas for projects or issues to discuss as a group:  *high priority items
    • *Fall orientation activities -- Susette gave an overview of Olin & Uris orientation events. Marsha will consult if needed as she plans FAL orientation events. Outside of orientation week, we will think about a collaborative orientation / outreach to Grad TAs in AAP, Art History, and Classics (for example). 
    • VR web site  -- Susette will take the lead
    • Image Databases list  -- Marsha will take the lead as selector of the Visual Resources fund
    • *Promotional materials  -- This will be a priority project for us, and we will discuss at our next meeting. Invite Fiona and Danielle to discuss joint promotional materials.
    • Online instructional materials 
    • Discuss ideas for instruction  -- After CUL Immersion, make this a priority; Survey of 2011-2012 course-related instruction to see if there are areas to collaborate in the next year.
    • Outreach -- Work on ways to make our presence more known on campus
    • Social media -- Investigate options for outreach
    • Visual literacy learning outcomes  
    • Reference training  -- Offer a series of training workshops to CUL reference staff
      • e.g. Citing images; New Image Resources; Personal Archiving by Danielle and Fiona
