This semester I worked with Tori Klug to redesign the way in which the chemical storage tanks are drawn in the Automated Design Tool. Before this semester, the chemical storage tanks were not drawn in the correct location in the AguaClara plant, nor where they drawn with any sort of scaling or representation of the correct size of tanks being used. Throughout this semester, we compiled a database of available chemical storage tanks and created MathCAD code that appropriately selects a size of coagulant tank based on a calculated volume. Our code also draws the chemical storage tanks and the corresponding connecting pieces and pipes in order to connect the chemical storage tanks to the constant head tank. The final report is shown <here href="link is shown underneath and explains all of the work that we have completed this semester. My work this semester focused on compiling the database of available chemical storage tanks and working on creating the connecting pieces in AutoCAD.
Final Design Report:
https://confluence.cornell.edu/display/AGUACLARA/Coagulant+Stock+Tank+Design+Program"> and details the work that we have completed this semester.