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Wiki Markup
h1. Chemical Dose Controller Design Program

This program will code for a general dose controller design and will incorporate the design into the Automated Design Tool. The doser design will be for a triple scale (three different orifices). See the [CDC research team page|Effect of Surface Tension] for a more detailed explanation of this.

h1. Orifice Size and the Dual Scale Design for the Nonlinear Alum Doser
\\ !FinalDoser.jpg|border=2px solid black,align=center,width=500pxpx|align=center,width=500pxpx,height=350pxpx!\\
h5. Figure 1: Doser Overview

 (CDC 2009-2010)

\\ \\ !DoserDraft.jpg|border=2px solid black,align=center,width=500pxpx|align=center,width=500pxpx,height=70pxpx350pxpx!\\
h5. Figure 2: Doser Draft Design (CDC 2009-2010) 

h3. Design Process:

Expert Inputs:

User Inputs:
Q.Plant (HL.Plant)

Design Assumptions:

Code Calculations:
Constant head tank orifice size
Dosing tubes size to ensure orifice head loss is much greater than major loss in tubing

h3. Equations:

Orifice Equation:
{latex}\large $$ Q = K_{vc} A_{or} \sqrt {2gh} $$ {latex}  

Where, \\
{latex}\large$$ Q = Flow Rate $${latex}

{latex}\large$$ h = Head Loss $${latex}

{latex}\large$$A_{or}= Area of the Orifice $${latex}

{latex}\large$$K_{vc}= Orifice Constant $${latex}

Orifice Head Loss:
h_{1Orifice}  = K_{DoseOrifice} {{V_{DoseTube}^2 } \over {2g}}

Major Head Loss:
h_{Lmajor} = f {L\over {D}}{{V^2} \over {2g}}