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Kaila Bussert, Special Projects Librarian, Research & Learning Services, 607.254.6216
Kaila Bussert is Special Projects Librarian and visual resource and multimedia specialist in Olin Library. She provides consultations for faculty and students in the use of digital resources, particularly ARTstor and Luna Insight, for teaching and research, and produces the instructional video series, "Research Minutes." She is also co-chair of the CUL Visual Resources Working Group. She holds an MLIS and MA in Near Eastern Studies, and has taught information literacy at Cornell and at the American University in Cairo.

Danielle MericleProduction Coordinator, Digital Media Group, DCAPS, 255-2308
Danielle Mericle is the Production Coordinator for the Digital Consulting and Production Services Unit at Cornell University's Olin Library. In addition to overseeing the creation of digital content for Olin Library, she serves as project manager for many of University's grant projects.  She has conducted numerous digitization workshops and presented papers at Digital Library Federation, ALA, and the National Archives of Peru. Previously, she worked as the primary photographer for New York Public Library's Digital Unit, working on such diverse projects as Making of America II, Utopia, and Performing Arts in America, 1875-1923. Danielle Mericle holds an MFA from SyracuseUniversity, and has taught photography at a number of institutions, including AlfredUniversity,SyracuseUniversity, and IthacaCollege.

Liz Muller, Metadata Librarian, 607.254.5145
Liz Muller is Metadata Librarian in the Cornell University Library.  She is responsible for providing metadata design and development services for digital projects, including the library's image cataloging services.  She consults with faculty and staff on information organization needs, particularly in the areas of image resources and the humanities.  Liz has worked in the Cornell University Library since 2005, previously as a special collections cataloger, and she has prior experience working in visual resources and archival settings.  Liz holds an AB in history from Princeton University, MA in history of architecture from Cornell University, and MS in library and information science from the University of Illinois.

Susette Newberry, Assistant Director, Research & Learning Services, 607.255.3927
Susette Newberry is assistant director of Research & Learning Services in Olin Library, and selector for art resources for the Fine Arts Library. A former visual resources archivist, she holds a Ph.D. in the history of art, and lectures in the history of photography at Ithaca College. Susette provides instruction and reference support for faculty and students.

Kaila Bussert and Susette Newberry offer workshops and course-related instruction sessions on the discovery and use of licensed and free digital image resources (including Flickr) and on using databases and other reference sources for research on art and the history of art. Susette and Kaila will co-teach a workshop entitled "Televising the Revolution: Designing & Building the Right Channel for Online Instruction" at the ARLIS/NA 2010 conference in Boston. The workshop teaches art librarians instructional design principles to address information and visual literacy challenges in designing and building online instructional materials.

Maaike Oldemans, Fine Arts Library Outreach Services Associate, 607.255.7354


Glen Wiley, Chief Metadata Librarian, 607.254.5145
Glen Wiley has created metadata records, developed metadata application profiles, and coordinated a variety of digital collection projects. Glen has experience using metadata schemas such as Dublin Core, Encoded Archival Description (EAD), Medatata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS), and VRA Core. He has made cataloging and metadata presentations on his work and research at various universities and conferences, including State University of New York at Albany, OCLC/SOLINET Georgia Users Group, and North Carolina Library Association. Glen holds a BFA in history of art and a MS in library and information science from Syracuse University.

Liz Muller, Metadata Librarian, 607.254.5145
Liz Muller is Metadata Librarian in the Cornell University Library.  She is responsible for providing metadata design and development services for digital projects, including the library's image cataloging services.  She consults with faculty and staff on information organization needs, particularly in the areas of image resources and the humanities.  Liz has worked in the Cornell University Library since 2005, previously as a special collections cataloger, and she has prior experience working in visual resources and archival settings.  Liz holds an AB in history from Princeton University, MA in history of architecture from Cornell University, and MS in library and information science from the University of Illinois.

Kaila Bussert, Special Projects Librarian, Research & Learning Services, 607.254.6216
Kaila Bussert is Special Projects Librarian and visual resource and multimedia specialist in Olin Library. She provides consultations for faculty and students in the use of digital resources, particularly ARTstor and Luna Insight, for teaching and research, and produces the instructional video series, "Research Minutes." She is also co-chair of the CUL Visual Resources Working Group. She holds an MLIS and MA in Near Eastern Studies, and has taught information literacy at Cornell and at the American University in Cairo.

Susette Newberry, Assistant Director, Research & Learning Services, 607.255.3927
Susette Newberry is assistant director of Research & Learning Services in Olin Library, and selector for art resources for the Fine Arts Library. A former visual resources archivist, she holds a Ph.D. in the history of art, and lectures in the history of photography at Ithaca College. Susette provides instruction and reference support for faculty and students.

Kaila Bussert and Susette Newberry offer workshops and course-related instruction sessions on the discovery and use of licensed and free digital image resources (including Flickr) and on using databases and other reference sources for research on art and the history of art. Susette and Kaila will co-teach a workshop entitled "Televising the Revolution: Designing & Building the Right Channel for Online Instruction" at the ARLIS/NA 2010 conference in Boston. The workshop teaches art librarians instructional design principles to address information and visual literacy challenges in designing and building online instructional materials.