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h1. Kayti's Individual Contribution Page

h3. Fall 2009 Contributions

My main focus throughout the Fall 2009 semester with the [Chemical Dose Controller Team|] has been the development and design of a rapid mix tube system for the [Agalteca|] plant. The system developed this semester can also be modified and applied to future AguaClara plants to provide rapid mix of dosed aluminum sulfate with the raw water source. A drawing of the entire system can be viewed [here|^EntTankKayti's Individual Contribution Page^EntTank_RMTube_FlocTank.jpg]. My work this semester has mainly focused on designing this current [rapid mix tube system|], calculating the head losses experienced through the system and the pipes leading the water to the flocculation tank, and calculating orifice sizes and tube lengths and diameters. All of these calculations were done in a [MathCAD file|^Kayti's RapidIndividual MixContribution TubePage^ Total Design.xmcd] detailing the design process and specifications for the system. I have also worked on designing a system to deliver alum to the center of the tube to allow for an even distribution of chemical across the pipe and small-scale mixing orifices, which is crucial for adequate mixing. A [preliminary schematic|^ProposedKayti's Individual Contribution Page^Proposed_RMTube_Schematic.jpg] for a prototype has also been proposed and will be constructed shortly to test the effectiveness and the mixing in the new system was proposed and constructed towards the end of the semester. Future work to be conducted over winter break and in the spring semester will consist of experiments testing the effectiveness and necessity of rapid mix in the AguaClara systems. I have developed a preliminary experimental design for these tests, and will need to meet with the tube flocculator team to gain more specifications for running the FReTA testing apparatus. 

h3. Pages Created

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