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h3. Theoretical Analysis of the Velocity Gradient

This analysis will be done for both a tube and plate settler. Although tube settlers are used in the lab, plate settlers are used in the Honduras plants. Therefore, a model that takes into account the differences between the two apparatuses must be developed.

h4. Calculation of Ratio of Settling Velocity to Particle Velocity

To begin the calculations for the critical velocity, it is important to note that the maximum velocity at the center of a pipe is two times the average velocity and the maximum velocity between two parallel plates is 1.5 times the average velocity.

In order to determine the critical velocity at which floc particles will begin to roll up the tube and into the effluent, we compare the settling velocity with the particle velocity experienced from the velocity gradient.

The settling velocity of a particle in a tube settler can be expressed as follows:

V_t  = {{gd_0 ^{\left( {3 - D_{Fractal} } \right)} d^{\left( {D_{Fractal}  - 1} \right)} } \over {18\Phi \nu }}\left( {{{\rho _{Floc_0 } } \over {\rho _{H_2 O} }} - 1} \right)


g = Gravity

d0= size of the primary particles

Dfractal= fractal dimension of the floc particles

phi = shape factor for drag on flocs which is equal to/

v = viscosity

rho floc = density of the floc particle

rho h2o = density of water

 The particle velocity expereinced as a result of the velocity gradient can be expressed as follows:


+insert vparticle here+\\

V_{particle}  = V_{ratio} V_\alpha  \left[ {1 - \left( {{{{{d_{tube} } \over 2} - d_{Floc} } \over {{{d_{Tube} } \over 2}}}} \right)^2 } \right]


Valpha = directional velocity in the tube settler

dtube = diameter of the tube settler

dfloc = the diameter of floc particles

Therefore, the ratio between the settling velocity of the particle and the velocity experienced as a result of the velocity gradient can be expressed as

+insert velocity ratio formula here+{latex}
\Pi _V  = {{{{g\sin (\alpha )d_0 ^2 } \over {18\Phi \nu }}{{\rho _{Floc_0 }  - \rho _{H_2 O} } \over {\rho _{H_2 O} }}\left( {{{d_{Floc} } \over {d_0 }}} \right)^{D_{Fractal}  - 1} } \over {V_{ratio} {{V_{Up} } \over {\sin (\alpha )}}\left[ {1 - \left( {{{{{d_{Tube} } \over 2} - d_{Floc} } \over {{{d_{Tube} } \over 2}}}} \right)^2 } \right]}}

This ratio is a function of particle diameter.  When this ratio is greater than one (ie the settling velocity is greater than the velocity experienced by the floc particles in the tube), the flocs will fall back into floc blanket and fail to travel to the effluent. When this ratio is equal to one, the particles will remain stationary in the tube settler. And when the ratio is less than one, the velocity of the particles will exceed the settling velocity and the floc particles will roll up into the effluent, creating a highter turbidity.

!Ratio of sedimentation velocity to fluid velocity v. floc diameter.png|width=500px,align=centre!
_Figure 1: The ratio of Sedimentation Velocity to Fluid Velocity vs. Floc Diameter_

Figure 1 shows what size floc could be captured by different tube settler diameters. The lines cross the y value of 1 when the sedimentation velocity matches the upflow velocity at the floc diameter, and this is the critical velocity, i.e. the velocity in which floc roll up will begin, for each of the given tube diameters and plate settler spacing.

h5. Calculation of the Minimum Diameter of the Flocs that Settle from the Sedimentation Velocity Equation

Assuming an upward flow velocity of 100 m/day, which is standard in all AguaClara plants, the diameter of floc that will roll-up was determined by using a root finding algorithm, and the plate settler spacing or tube diameter was plotted versus the minimum floc diameter. 

!Plate spacing or tube diameter v. Minimum floc diameter.png|width=500px,align=centre!
_Figure 2: Plate Spacing or Tube Diameter vs. Minimum Floc Diameter_

The minimum floc diameter corresponds to the minimum size of particles that will still settle out of the tube and return to the floc blanket instead of going into the effluent.  This graph is based on the capture velocity theory, and must be revised to take into consideration floc roll-up that will occur in the plate settlers.

To ensure that flocs in the plate settler don't roll up, we can calculate the minimum floc diameter that settles from the sedimentation velocity equation. Solving for the floc diameter,

+insert floc diameter eqtns+\\
d = d_0 \left( {{{18V_t \Phi \nu _{H_2 O} } \over {gd_0^2 }}{{\rho _{H_2 O} } \over {\rho _{Floc_0 }  - \rho _{H_2 O} }}} \right)^{{1 \over {D_{Fractal}  - 1}}} 

This equation is based on a linearization of the velocity profile at the wall. It uses the velocity gradient at the wall to determine the velocity as a function of distance from the wall. For small floc sizes this linearization is valid and produces an analytical solutio !Floc diameter v. Spacing.png|width=500px,align=centre!
_Figure 3: Floc Diameter vs. Spacing_

Figure 3 shows how the linearized equations provide only tiny divergence for big flocs in small tubes.

!Plate spacing v. floc diameter.png|width=500px,align=centre!
_Figure 4: Floc Spacing vs. Floc Diameter_

Figure 4 graphically displays the linear velocity gradient solutions. The curves are not quite straight on a log log plot. This is due to the quadratic in the velocity profile. We can obtain a very good approximation by using the velocity gradient at the wall and assuming a linear velocity gradient. That assumption makes an analytical solution possible.


+insert S eqtn for plate settlers+$$
S = V_{up} {{108\Phi \nu _{H_2 O} d^2 } \over {g\sin ^2 (\alpha )d_0^3 }}\left( {{{d_0 } \over d}} \right)^{D_{Fractal} } {{\rho _{H_2 O} } \over {\rho _{Floc_0 }  - \rho _{H_2 O} }}

!Minimum spacing v. Floc sedimentation velocity.png|width=500px,align=centre!
_Figure 5: Minimum spacing vs. Floc Sedimentation_

!Minimum plate settler spacing v. Capture velocity.png|width=500px,align=centre!
_Figure 6: Minimum Plate Settler Spacing vs. Capture Velocity_

The Reynold's Number was checked to ensure that the flow in the settler tube is in fact laminar. Next, the entrance region was checked to ensure that the parabolic velocity profile was fully established.

!Ratio of entrance length to plate length v. Plate spacing.png|width=500px,align=centre!
_Figure 7: Ratio of Entrance Length to Plate Length vs. Plate Spacing_

Figure 7 shows that the entrance regions are always less than the length of the plate setltlers. Thus, based on this analysis, the best designs would include plates that are more closely spaced. All of the plate settlers will have a significant entrance region. It is likely that the only way flocs can successfully pass thorugh the entrance region is to grow into larger flocs so they have a higher sedimentation velocity.

\*More detail on the calculation process outlined above can be found in the [Math CAD File|^Updated Floc Roll-up Calculation Worksheet.xmcd].