During the fall 2009 semester, the main focus of the Rapid Mix Tube subteam was the development and design of a rapid mix tube system to provide adequate large and small-scale mixing of the aluminum sulfate dose with the raw water source entering the plant. The system developed in the fall 2009 semester is designed for the Agalteca plant, but the ultimate design can be modified to fit into future AguaClara plants. The design of the system evolved multiple times throughout the semester, and the current system was developed to improve upon the main problem of those initial designs: access to the small scale rapid mix orifice to clean it in case of clogging. The design of the tube was thus tailored to fix this problem, and a MathCAD file calculating orifice sizes and head loss through the system was developed.
Rapid Mix Tube Design Process
Initial Rapid Mix Design
Figure 1. Overview of the plant flow from the entrance tank through the rapid mix tube, out into the flocculation tank.
Rapid Mix Tube Design Process
Initial Rapid Mix Design
The initial rapid mix system proposed for the Agalteca plant was much different than the system designed this semester. As can be seen in Figure 2, water from the entrance tank flows into a pipe that carries it into the flocculation tank. Rapid mix is achieved in this system when the water flows through an orifice at the end of the pipe leading into the flocculation tank, allowing small-scale mixing of the aluminum sulfate with the raw water to occur before reaching the flocculation tank. One of the main problems with this system is the location of the rapid mix orifice; it is submerged in the bottom of the flocculation tank, making it very difficult to reach or remove. Flow to the plant would have to be stopped and the flocculation tank drained at least partially to remove and clean this orifice if it ever clogged or needed to be replaced or exchanged. Another problem with this design is that the exit tube taking water from the entrance tank to the flocculation tank is flush with the side wall of the entrance tank and is located quite deep in the tank. Thus, for flow to the plant to be stopped, the entrance tank would have to be emptied completely.