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Wiki Markup
h1. Energy Dissipation Flocculation Design Program

This flocculator program determines the size, number, and spacing of the flocculator channels and baffles, based on the results of the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) team. The tank is designed give an optimal energy dissipation rate to mix the alum (coagulating chemical) with the incoming water and to maximize the opportunity for flocs to form.
The program also outputs arrays of the location of each baffle in the tank; these arrays are used by the AutoCAD scripts to draw the baffles in place in the flocculator.
The programs used are Flocculator 3 (the design program) and floctank (the autoCAD script). In the scheme of the whole plant, the flocculation tank is drawn after the sedimentation tank (so many of our variables are constrained by an already-drawn sedimentation tank).

h5. Top View

!top view floc tank.PNG|width=1081,height=596!

h5. Front View

!floctankside view frontfloc viewtank.PNG|width=321166,height=32425!

h2. Flocculator Program Inputs and Outputs

[Flocculation Tank Program Inputs|Flocculation Tank Design Program Inputs]
[Flocculation Tank Program Outputs|Flocculation Tank Design Program Outputs]
[Flocculation Tank AutoCAD Drawing Program|AutoCAD Flocculation Tank Program]

h3. Flocculation Design Algorithm

_Each section outlined below corresponds to its equivalent MathCAD code, identified by the same titles._

 _\-The first part mainly informs and establishes the equations and design ideas used in the actual drawing of the tank._

 \-_The second part determines the number, spacing, energy dissipation, and collision potential of the necessary baffles._

 \-_The third part determines the width, height, size, and the other parameters needed to draw the flocculation tank with the baffles inside it.  This section is heavily relied upon by the MathCAD code in floctank that draws the plant._

 \-_The last part creates and outputs the matrix of baffle positions._\\

h6. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Results and Functions

The research that went into this program was done by the CFD team.  As such, many of the equations used have their basis in experimental findings; some of their work can be directly applied to the daily drawing of flocculation tanks, and some support the parameters used in this program. 

For example, a table of minor loss coefficients indicates that the minor loss coefficient is very large for small h/b values, where h/b values are the ratio of water depth to baffle spacing. Linear interpolation is used to create functional relationships as a function of these h/b ratios.  Then, an iterative code that determines the spacing of the floc baffles uses these relationships.  Calculating the collision potential per baffle and the spacing that gives the target energy dissipation rate continue to use the parameters set by the research team.

h6. Flocculator Functions

The critical balance in the flocculator is between ensuring that the alum and entering water are meeting the energy dissipation (ED) and collision potential (CP) goals, and not breaking up flocs that have formed.

Calculating the amount of baffle spaces that give the target ED rate is done with an iterative code that relies on the CFD functions described above.  Then, the collision potential per baffle and max ED-to-CP ratio determines the baffle distribution, _e.g. ED.Target(Psi)_.

The number of spaces per channel is determined by an iterative code that finds the correct ED rate & cumulative CP at each channel.  The last channel (the one immediately preceding the sed tank) is then forced to have an even number of baffles.  This is because the water must flow under the last baffle and up to the sed tank.

h6. Calculation of Flocculator Geometry

The height of water at the end of the flocculation tank is set to be the same as the height of water at the beginning of the sedimentation tank, _i.e. no head loss occurs between the two:_
HW_{FlocEnd} = HW_{Sed}
The width of the floc channel is calculated based on the CFD functions, but if this value is less than 45 cm, the width will default to 45 cm.  This minimum value was set to ensure that a person can fit into the channel for construction purposes.

The number and spacing of floc spaces and floc baffles is calculated, as well as the CP, for the specific tank being drawn. Both the minimum and maximum number of floc spaces use the equation:
N_{Spaces} = {{L + T} \over {S + T}}
When calculating both the min and the max, L represents the length of the sed tank _L.Sed_ and T represents the thickness of a baffle _T.FlocBaffle_. To get the maximum number of floc baffles, S is taken as the minimum floc baffle spacing _S.FlocBaffleMin_. However, to get the minimum number of floc baffles, S is taken as
{{HW_{FlocEnd} } \over {Pi_{HbMin} }}
where _Pi.HbMin_ is a Basis of Design parameter describing the ratio of water depth to baffle spacing.

The center-to-center distance between baffles includes the spacing between baffles and the thickness of the baffles, for each channel. This is an array with an element for each channel, as each channel may have different baffle spacing.
B_{FlocBaffle}  = S_{FlocBaffle}  + T_{FlocBaffle}
The residence time in the flocculator is determined as follows:
Ti_{Floc} = {{HW_{FlocEnd} \cdot L_{FlocTank} \cdot W_{FlocChannel}} \over {Q_{Plant}}}
The height of water at the beginning of the flocculator is based on the height of water at the end of the flocculator (which is the same as in the sedimentation tank), plus the headloss through the flocculator. The head loss is determined per baffle (and per channel, and in the whole flocculator) using the HL function in the [fluids functions program|Fluids Functions Design Program]. An additional 10 cm of freeboard space was added to the water level (HW) found at the beginning of the flocculator to determine the height of the flocculator walls.

The head loss per baffle in each channel:
HL_{FlocBaffle} = {{{Kp \cdot ({{HW_{FlocEnd}} \over {S_{FlocBaffle}}}) \cdot Q_{Plant}^2 } \over {2 \cdot g \cdot (S_{FlocBaffle} \cdot W_{FlocChannel})^2 }}}
Water flows between channels in the flocculator through ports cut in the concrete. The area of these ports is determined to ensure flocs will not be broken up. The width of these ports varies by channel, as the baffle spacing may be different from channel to channel.
The energy dissipation rate through the ports is set to be same as around the baffles; the dimensions of the port are calculated to be the same as that of the baffles.
W_{FlocPortEst} = S_{FlocBaffle}
The width of these ports is set to include the thickness of the concrete lip needed to hold the baffle in place. It should be noted that this lip needs to be taken into account when determining baffle spacing for smaller plant when this length loss becomes significant.
W_{FlocPort} = W_{FlocPortEst} - S_{FlocChannel}

h6. Position Calculations for Each Baffle

The length of the lower floc baffles is determined based on the height of water at the end of the floc tank and the water as it goes around each turn.

Length of Lower Baffle:
L_{FlocBaffleLower} = HW_{FlocEnd} - S_{FlocBaffle} \cdot Pi_{FlocBaffle}
The upper baffles are set to line up with the top of the tank rather than the waterlevel.

Length of Upper Baffles:
L_{FlocBaffleUpper} = H_{Floc} - S_{FlocBaffle} \cdot Pi_{FlocBaffle}
The placement of the baffles in the flocculator is determined by algorithms that create a matrix of baffle displacements from the end of the flocculator (see this [drawing program|AutoCAD Flocculation Tank Program] for step-by-step details).

Water flows in from the entrance tank, and out to the sed tank. The flow direction alternates up-down through each channel as it flows around the baffles and through the ports.